The Question of Whether Mandatory Calories Count on Menus are Helpful Essay

Are Mandatory Calorie Counts on Menus Helpful?Blair SmithUniversity of PhoenixEffective Academic WritingKimberley HollowayFebruary 5, 2012In today's society with everyone constantly on the go, it is not uncommon for many people to eat at a restaurant several times a week. Along with an increase in restaurant visits, there has come an overall increase in the occurrence of obesity in our nation. To help the fight against obesity, although some restaurants are serving healthier menu options, as a part of the Health Care Reform Bill, there are new requirements as of January 1, 2012, regarding the inclusion of calorie data for menu items. With this new requirement, restaurants now need to know what is required on their part. Along with the new requirements for certain restaurants, it is important to know whether or not the actual concept of decreasing obesity by the use of posting calorie data can be successful in helping patrons make a more educated decision at their favorite restaurants.What are restaurants required to do? If a restaurant chain has 20 or more locations, they will be required to begin posting specific statements and calorie counts on the their menus in 2012. Restaurants that do not necessarily meet this requirement of having 20 or more locations, but would like to participate, are allowed to do so as long as they follow the same guidelines. From there restaurants are required to provide for certain statements prior to indicating calorie information. The first statement that is required is similar to the labeling currently on pre-packaged items that we are all used to finding at grocery stores. This requirement should provide for the following somewhere on the menu "A 2,000 calorie daily diet is used as the basis for general nutrition advice however, individual needs may vary." ( This statement is required to be the same size as any calorie information and should be placed at the bottom or top of the menu. In addition, it is...
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