McDonald's: A Clean But Unhealthy Place to Get Your Food Essay

You need to stop eating McDonald's! As you know it is one of the most popular fast food places of them all. There is a restaurant in almost every state! Also, millions of people eat there everyday many a few times a week because of working late or just because it's fast and easy for them. However I bet you don't know what it's really doing to you or what is actually in the food. Well if you don't already know, your about to find out!McDonald's may taste good but do you really know what is in their food? I suppose not because I didn't either until I did some research. Before I start all I can really say is get ready to be disgusted! Since they are the most popular let's talk about the crunchy nuggets. In those little things there are over 38! Let's name a few shall we? TBHQ, this is a derivative of petroleum and yes this is the same stuff you put in your car. It is also a form of butane...recognize it? Well, that's because it is lighter fluid. A second ingredient is Dimethylpolysiloxane. That is used as an anti-foaming agent and is a type of oil derived from silicon. It stops the fryers from foaming and boiling up. However, it is also used in shampoo and in the manufacturing of contact lenses. Shall we name one more? Sodium Aluminum Phosphate. This product hasn't even been thoroughly tested yet, but it's still being used. However. aluminum has and it has been widely researched to cause Alzheimer's and Dementia! Oh and Sodium Aluminum Phosphate is used in eye drops and pesticides. Yummy right?Now that you know some of the tasty'' ingredients lets move on too what they are actually doing to us! Many of their products are highly processed and full of high fructose corn syrup which causes heart disease, diabetes and of course obesity, how shocking! Rates of...
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