An Analysis of Alfalfa Sprouts Essay

Alfalfa sprouts are the youngshoots of the alfalfa plant eaten within fourto seven days of germination.They can be sprinkled on sandwiches, mixed with salads, added to fries or eaten as health food.Since germination of the seeds canbein controlled environments, commercially produced alfalfa has the tendency tocausefood - related diseases. They can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria unless handled with care.Contaminated seeds are the most likely source of the pathogens involved in the production of sprouts. The conditions of the seed in the field before harvesting can lead to contamination. This is because of the agricultural irrigation water, improperly composed manure, contaminated soil,dirtyharvesting equipment, or animal grazing in the field. The packaging and storageprocesscan alsointroducethe salmonella and E. coli bacterium that are acausefor sprout related diseases. Contaminated raw sprouts showevidenceof Salmonella Saintpaul, which is astrainof bacteria. Thewarmand humid conditions of the germination of the sprouts are perfect for theaggressivebacterial growth, leading to contamination. It attacks the stomach and intestines causing bloody diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Healthy people have a chance of recovering the poisoning if their immune system is capable. However, children and elderly people with compromised immune system may not.The other bacteria found in sprouts are E. coli 0157, which cause severe abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Some people show no symptoms, and then theypassit to others who get sick. Seeds are most likelyare contaminatedby this pathogen from the field. Introduction of human and animal wastes or untreated water in to the field by rivers, ground water or creeks to the seedscausethe presence of pathogens in the seeds. chat.onload(function(chats, online) var link ("content2chatid") link.onclick function(e) chat.openrandom(0) return false ) Type of assignment Title of your paperWriter level Pages EssayOnline TestTerm paperResearch paperBook ReportBook ReviewCourseworkResearch proposalAnnotated BibliographyQuestions-AnswersMultiple...
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