An Essay on the Different Websites Offering Nutrition Information Essay

Eating is both pleasure and necessity for a person, according to Voltaires words. Thus, as technology develops, food industry appeared to supply people with different the wide variety of food. Nowadays, food selection is so diverse, that a person can not decide what is well for him or her. People seek assistance, and as Internet is the most accessible they go online for advice. Naturally, there are many sites that offer nutrition information, so well choose two presentable ones and analyze the information they offer.The first web site is a member of Cond Net media group, which publishes websites, magazines, B2B publications, applications for mobile devices, etc (Self Nutrition Data). The second,, is a part of New York Times Company that offers expert content that helps users to find solutions to daily needs ( Nutrition). Both sites look reliable and offer multi-purpose nutrition information. People are interested in nutrition because of three reasons dieting and weight loss, diabetes, and general health. These three make the main subcategories of the nutrition resources. The critique will include accessibility to resources reliability analysis, information type and presentation revision, and thematic web tools analysis.The site appearance and construction are significant for persons first impression. The homepage of consists of bright thematic block of equal value. Among them, there are advertisements blocks that are difficult to recognize since they merge with thematic block of the site. However, colored blocks for the most substantial topics are centered and visible. The design of is modest. The main topics are formatted in see green line at the top of the page which attracts attention. Advertisement blocks are present as well, but they are unnoticeable. This resource is easy-to-use.Topics presented at are mostly posted by admin. The articles are advanced, though nothing is mentioned about authors qualification. Some articles cite medical institution as a source. The typical customer probably will not notice, though some who seeks for the...
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