An Introduction to the Importance of Nutrition Essay

IntroductionNutrition plays a very important role in our lives, it could help to extend or decrease our life span as well as define our degree of livelihood as we progress into old age. With our potential to live longer than ever before comes the urgent need to monitor and adjust the amounts, the types of food and supplements that we ingest into our bodies. Proper nutrition in our early years will not only lead to a learned commitment but will also lead to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life. Realizing the importance of nutrition in the human body I will be discussing insights learned from recording my food and beverage intake and its relation to the Atkins weight loss program. I will make reference column number 2 in my Personal Food Guide below Recommended Nutrients by the USDA, the remaining columns reference my personal current food guide based on two days consumption. Personal Diet and Weight Loss Management Analysis USDA Food Guide Recommended Nutrients Record all food and beverages consumed for a two-day period on the Food Journal. Be sure to record the amount of each item eaten. Using the Nutrient Analysis Matrix, fill in each cell of the Food Journal with the nutritional amounts provided by the foods and beverages consumed. Be sure to adjust the nutritional values to correspond to the amount of the food and beverages consumed. After completing your Personal Diet and Weight Loss Management Analysis, complete the written analysis.FOOD SELECTIONRECOMMENDED NUTRIENTAMOUNTBREAD, CEREAL, RICE, PASTA SERVINGSVEGETABLE SERVINGSFRIUT SERVINGSMILK, YOGURT, CHEESE SERVINGSMEAT, POULTRY, FISH, DRY BEANS, EGG, NUT SERVINGSFAT, OIIL, SWEET SERVINGSTOTAL CALORIESPROTEIN GMSFAT GMSCARB GMSFIBER GMSWATER OZSODIUM MGSIRON OF RDACHOLESTEROL MGSCALCIUM OF RDARDA1.1mgd10gmd177gmd1.1mgd150mgd100gmd1845100gmd100gmd177gmd35 g64oz100mgd18mgd100mg600mgdOat Porridge cup12oz312.41.412. Juice2 cups1cup0. Rice cup1cup175.01.844.83.5142. cup1 cup5515.67.9123.30.0017. cup1cup0. Juice8oz2cups0.000.462.60.4371. Oil27g54g54g0. cups1cup2. cups1 cup1 cup2. Steak - Vegetarian6oz1serving12015. Realizing that it is extremely important to consume a variety of nutrient-dense food and beverage within and among the basic food groups while choosing food...
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