An Analysis of Panera Bread as a Wonderful Food Adventure Essay

Wonderful Food Adventure Panera Bread Every time that I travel up to cape there is always this one place that I absolutely have to go and that place is Panera Bread. When I hear that any of my friends or family is traveling up to cape for any reason I make it an effort to be right in their car with them. I always go wherever they are because they normally want someone to hang out with and I want to eat my favorite restaurant, so its a win win situation.When you walk in to Panera Bread you enter in to a tranquility of overwhelming soothing music and just an overall calming atmosphere. Anytime that you are there you just get this calming feeling when you can just relax and enjoy your meal. They also have miniature clouds for your bum instead of just normal ole hard as a rock chairs. The one thing I like though to is they make it to where its not just an eating place. Tons of college students come in and it gives them a calming environment to just get their work done and enjoy the music that gets your head spinning with creativity.Not only does it have a great atmosphere is has pretty good service as well. They are normally pretty busy especially if you go on the weekends but they get your food ordered and out to you in a matter of 5 minutes or less. They have it set up where you walk in and there are four registers sitting in front of you. As your looking at what you wanted you can see that they have pretty decent prices. The prices fluctuate from about a dollar fifty in drinks up to seven-ninety five in food. After youre done deciding you go up to one of the registers and order your food. After youre done and youve got your receipt then they hand you a buzzer....
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