The Importance of the Food Pyramid Guide Essay

Take a Bite of Wisconsin (Cheese)Since the early 19th century, Wisconsin has been known forcheesemaking excellence. Wisconsin's high quality milk is the secretingredient used to put the quality of cheeses above all others. Known as"America's Dairyland", today Wisconsin has more than 250 varieties, types,and styles of the best-tasting, superior-quality cheese in the world.Many Americans today aren't eating a well balanced diet and neglectmany of the important nutrients that our bodies need. The dairy group isone we should be concerned about. This group provides us with calcium,protein, riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and phosphorus, which are necessarynutrients for our bodies. By using the Food Pyramid guide, we should have2-3 servings per day of the milk, yogurt, cheese group. We should striveto get these very important nutrients that come from cheese and other dairyproducts. Making cheese a delicious part of your healthy diet is simpleand easy, so why not give it a try.Wisconsin cheese can be enjoyed as a snack, as an ingredient inyour favorite recipe, or simply as a flavorful topping. Open your eyes tothe possibilities in using dairy products. Cheese products are easilyadded to any food group to add a mouth-watering touch. You could trymuenster melted on an englsih muffin, chili garnished with shredded colby,herbed rice with shredded swiss, or slices of sharp cheddar and apples.The possibilities are endless with uses for cheese.Like all dairy products, the finest dairy products start at thesource-fresh, wholesome milk. That's why cultured dairy products fromWisconsin, America's Dairyland, have superior quality and outstandingflavor. Make cultured dairy products from Wisconsin a delicious part of abalanced, healthy diet. So why not, take a bite of Wisconsin!...
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