A Love for Yummy Sugar Plummy Candies Essay

From as far back as I can remember, I have loved to eat sweets. Going into the store and gazing at the long isle filled with candy is one of the most intense feelings in the world. As I look back and forth, up and down the shelf, I ponder what to grab. I can never make a decision on what kind I want- fruity, sour, granular powder, or chocolate. Regardless of what I choose, I love to consume many yummy Sugar Plummy candies.Biting into a Starburst is an exhilarating experience. The fruity flavor takes my taste buds to the limit. Eating a square, chewy Life Savor not only picks my spirits up when I am down, but playing with the circle in the middle with my tongue is fun too! When I have one in my mouth, it is as though I really taste the sweetness of a watermelon or even a cherry. Little round Skittles are also very flavorful. I enjoy them because I can chew many of them at the same time. In one package of Skittles I can chow on flavors like grape, lemon, green apple, and orange. Munching on these tasty candies gives me a visual. I feel as though I am picking the actual fruit off of the tree it is on and taking a massive bite out of it.I experience a totally different sensation when I suck on a sour coated candy. Warheads are one of my favorites. Eating one of these potent pellets is a tortuous thing to do to myself, but I love the risk. My face cringes up and my eyes are squinted shut until I get every last tart coating off. Sour Patch Kids are also a trip. These little children like squishy candies I can chew ,but the bitter taste lasts the whole time I am chomping. Last but not least, Tear Jerkers are the worst to handle. I love to...
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