The Importance of Developing Food Projects to Fees the Community Body and Spirit Essay

To my mind creating the community food projects is a good idea which will only benefit people. Growing of gardens and working at organic farms will feed the community body and spirit and without doubt will be the first step towards the resurrection of an entire community of people. I support the thought that youth should learn how to grow food because participation in these food projects is the valuable experience for young people and training to do something with their hands.I support these food projects because they provide work for individuals who deal with homelessness, substance abuse, mental illness, and recidivism. It is not a bad chance for them to work and to earn money. These projects' aim is to transform the destructed greenhouses into productive educational centers, to provide for people with disabilities the place to work, to gain new skills and be a part of our society.These food projects are based on the deep idea to do something with our own hands. In my opinion the participation in food projects is our first step to become better, to make the world a better place, to share agricultural knowledge and to reduce hunger in the community.Most of all I like innovative youth program which is based on inviting schools to bring classes to the farm in order to learn about where food comes from and healthy eating. This youth program invites students to participate in farm chores. As we see there are many different projects and programs on food, however they have the only aim to increase the community's food security by increasing the supply of local food.In conclusion I would like to say that food projects are very important and valuable because they develop gardens, greenhouses and farms, they give the opportunity for people to work, and they help people with disabilities. I suppose that we should take part in such projects and try to do something with our own hands. Our...
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