The Characteristics of Umorok, a Type of Chilli found in the North Eastern India Essay

Umorok is the only type of chilli found in the North Eastern states of India mainly in the Manipur and some neighboring states. The local people know this type of chilli as King Chilli after its extreme hot taste. It is the hottest chilli in the world. This chilli is available mainly in 2-3 districts of Manipur in plenty. It is believe that 100 simple chilies equal to only one Umorok. Those people who are living in the hill areas are the main producers of this hottest chilli. The size of this chilli is larger than the normal red chili and it softer than other types of chilli. The color of this chilli is light green when immature, then yellowish before mature and totally bright red when it is mature. One of the special popularity of this chilli is its good smell. It has many economic importance and also famous for its medicinal values. Recent years there has been a lot of research and every year research finds out more about the healthy benefits of this chili (Umorok). Chili will clear your sinuses. After eating chillies your nose starts to run. Therefore this is great to fight off the flu or even hay fever. The hottest chilli in the world (Umorok) and after eating that for a while his hay fever has gone. There has been a lot of research done about all the health benefits of the chilli and so far more than 50 common ailments are said to be cured by eating chilli. In the old days it was believed and used to fight of scurvy. Also used to prevent or cure rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, toothache, stomach-ache, epilepsy, asthma, varicose veins and malaria. They are tonic and antiseptic. Stimulate your digestive system and if rubbed on areas of your skin it will stimulate the blood flow and for these reasons have been used also to treat sprains, rheumatic pain in the muscles of the...
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