A Plate of Chocolate Chip Cookies Essay

Whoever in here likes STAND UP! Well, I likethem too.The story of the Chocolate chip cookie is really an interesting one. Infact, did you know that the invention itself was really an accident? Nope, well,I didn't think so. Let me tell you a little about it.Have you ever wondered how the chocolate chip cookie came to be? Have you everwondered who brought this American tradition into our homes? Do you know howthey became so popular?Well, it all started one day with a young lady named Ruth Wakefield.One day she was making some cookies for her guests. They were called ButterDrop Do's. This cookie required semisweet chocolate pieces to be melted in thebatter. Well she was in a hurry, she had beds to make and drapes to clean so,instead of melting the chocolate pieces in the batter she just chopped them upin the batter, thinking they would melt during the cooking process. To hersurprise they stayed very much intact See what happens when you do not followthe directions?Well, never the less everyone at the Toll House Inn simply loved them.In fact, they became so popular the recipe was published in the Boston Newspaper.The recipe was named the Toll House Cookie. One day Nestl was going over theirreports and they found that sales for chocolate bars rose rapidly in the Bostonarea. This was because the chocolate bars were the primary ingredient in theToll House Cookies. When Nestl found out what was up they started making theirchocolate bars with score lines on them for easier breaking. This was ok butstill not easy enough. So to solve this problem they made morsels (miniaturechocolate kisses)and bought the Toll House name. With that they called themNestl Toll House Morsels.Did you also know that the chocolate chip cookie is the most popularcookie in America? The Toll House produces thirty-three thousand cookies eachday. In the world about 7 billion cookies are eaten annually that means 19,200thousand cookies a day. That explains why 50...
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