An Introduction to an Analysis of Needs Assessment Techniques and Findings Essay

NEEDS ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES AND FINDINGSAfter reviewing the selected readings section, I found that the author of the book had the thought that making and using flowcharts is the most important action in process control. As I read on, he seems to state that the easiest and best way to understand a process is to draw it. The author outlines several steps to follow with this project. The first being Before you try to solve a problem, define it. To do this I chose a subject that I felt affects everyone today. And our problem is healthcare, or rather the lack of it. The first step is to start with data collection since everyone from the insurance companies, to the government collects and stores data, facts, and figures on the cost, effects, and statistics on health. This portion is not to difficult to research. With this information, I can list cost of medical care, insurance rates, and the percentage of people not receiving care. Also, with this information should be able to project future cost and potential for lack of care for specific groups.The second step in creating any project is before you try to control a process, understand it. To meet this step we should look at cause and affect diagrams. We would need to look at all the parties involved. We would need to look at environment that healthcare is operating in. We should also search out what can be lost by finding a viable solution to this problem. How inaction is affecting the population as a whole. And how many different avenues are being looked at as a solution to this particular crisis we are facing. The key to success in this problem seems to be the participation of everyone, since the decisions that are being made affect us all.The third step for researching this paper would be before trying to control everything, find out what is important. To meet this step, we...


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