A Description of an Unforgettable Experience of Tasting the Motherland Kitchen Essay

Taiwo HameedA Taste of AfricaAttention getter- Have you ever had pleasure of tasting a food so good with a fresh smell of flavor on top of other flavors creating pleasing combination? Reveal Topic-Motherland kitchen is known for serving appetizing dishes that will satisfy your taste buds. It has a great atmosphere, with a variety of dishes each one of them expertly cooked to mouthwatering perfection. The restaurant is located in Marietta, Georgia just miles from downtown Atlanta. Credibility Statement- This restaurant brought back memories of from my childhood. The tradition and culture of food in Nigeria and today has shaped me as an individual. Food plays a huge role in all ethnic groups in Nigeria. In Yoruba, there is a saying A gba bi re." meaning may it go down well. This is said before eating because it is a sign of respect to the person eating with you. It reminded me of a couple that said the exact same words when I was at the restaurant. Now brace yourselves, this is like no restaurant you ever heard of or been to. Preview of main points- Today, I'll like talk to you about, first, what to expect, second what to order how to eat it, and finally what to drink at the Motherland Kitchen.BodyConnective- First, I'll begin by telling you what to expect when you're walking into Motherland Kitchen restaurant.I. First impression is very important. John Foley, entrepreneur, writer, and author, says "First impression is one of the key comments received from exit polls done on restaurant customers. The food can be great, the bathrooms can be spotless, but if customers experience a long wait before they are recognized when they walk through the door you have lost points and are working from a deficit position".A. When you first arrive at a restaurant what do you look for? Of course, decorations!1. In terms of decorations, you can expect to see African art and musical instruments...
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