A Study of the Amish Eating Practices, Food Preferences and Preparation Techniques Essay

Eating Practices, Food Preferences and Food Preparation TechniquesMost Amish do not have electricity in their homes. For cooking, many use either wood or kerosene oil stoves they cool their food in ice boxes, spring houses, or their basements. A minority have freezers.The Amish prepare most of their food from scratch, but some also use mixes and instant foods. They preserve all of their own fruits and vegetables and much of their meat by canning. Homemade bologna is popular and is usually made without the casing. Some Amish will occasionally purchase frozen foods as a change of taste or as a treat. Many rural families have their own milk cow and make cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Those near urban areas usually buy these items at the supermarket or cheese houses.Many farm families eat cornmeal mush - made from oven-roasted field corn - for breakfast. Eggs and cooked cereal are other typical breakfast foods. Fruits or juice may be included.The main meal of the day typically consists of noodles, macaroni, or potatoes meat, which is often fried and canned vegetables. Homemade or supermarket-bought bread is served at every meal. The lighter meal commonly consists of soup, cheese or bologna, and fruit. Snacks are usually apples, cookies, or leftovers.Teaching ImplicationsBecause of their desire to remain separate from the world, sharing information and new ways of doing things with the Amish can be difficult. Very few have telephones and most do not attend public meetings. Going to their homes, places of business, or schools may be the best method of contact. Because the man is the head of the household, he should be approached first. In some groups, going through the bishop may be necessary.Customs and Family TraditionsFamily life is extremely important to the Amish many have large families. Children are viewed as gifts from God. Many women breastfeed their babies others bottle-feed. Many Amish make their own baby food by grinding a portion of the...
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