A Look at a Variety of Ways to Process a Vegetable Essay

There is a variety of different ways to process a vegetable, but is it the same vegetable when it comes out as it went in? Vegetables are sold canned, frozen and fresh just about everywhere. Posing the question, are they equally as nutritious? Nutrition is a topic concerning Americans today considering since 1991 when 4 out of 45 states had obesity rates of 15 or higher, now 37 or more out of 45 states have those same rates. It is a rising problem among Americans today.Nutrition is the science explaining the study of foods and their relationship to health. Since humans cant convert simple elements into energy ourselves we have to ingest complex food materials directly . One component of a well balanced diet must include Vitamins. Vitamins are chemical compounds that have no energy value, but instead act as catalysts inside the body. One variety of vitamins is the Vitamin A. This group includes retinol and carotene. Carotene is a yellow pigment found in vegetables such as carrots. A diet that is lacking in Vitamin A depreciates a persons ability to see in the dark. Which is where the saying that carrots will make you see better is derived from. Carrots were the vegetables chosen to be tested in this experiment. This experiment was designed to test if the processing of a carrot produces gas. In turn discovering the health related differences of canned, frozen and fresh carrots. Canning is a process of hermetically sealing cooked food for future use (Encyclopedia.com, 1999). This process is also called sterilization because it involves exposing the food to high temperatures for only minutes or seconds to protect against all the harmful microorganisms and other spoilage agents. Freezing is a process that prevents harmful microorganisms from multiplying, not necessarily killing them as in canning. Vegetables are lightly heated in preparation for freezing to ensure enzyme inactivity. This process is called Blanching. Blanching increases the moisture content of vegetables...
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