An Analysis of Iced Coffee as an Essential Aspect of Every Waking Essay

Around the world people of all ages wake up before they are either going to work, school, or simply just leaving the house to get an iced coffee to start off their day. Iced coffee is an essential aspect of every waking. If iced coffee is really a vital necessity of getting going, then it of course would be best to brew a fantastic ice coffee. In order to create a delicious iced coffee, all one needs to do is follow my lead. There are two main concerns brewing the coffee and making it to taste.In brewing the coffee, one must remember not to burn it. If using an automatic coffee maker, the level of attentiveness is slightly diminished. That is because the machine does the work. In this case, it is important to put the appropriate amount of beans and water together. If using a french press, then one must make sure not to leave the coffee grounds in the water too long so as to make the coffee bitter. In both cases, the goal is to have a fresh tasting brew. Any other method of brewing should follow that general rule-keep the coffee fresh tasting.In between the brewing of the coffee and making it to taste, the hot coffee must be chilled. If hot coffee is poured into a cup of ice, then the ice will melt and dilute the coffee, making its flavor weak. This is something that must be avoided, assuming one intends to make a delicious cup of iced coffee. To avoid this problem, the hot coffee must be sufficiently chilled so as not to melt the ice. The best way to do this is to put it in the refrigerator or to leave it on the counter for several hours. When the coffee is chilled to room temperature, it is time make the actual iced coffee. After the coffee is chilled, fill a cup with ice all the...
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