An Analysis of Nutrient in Food We Eat Essay

NutrientNutrients are found in food we eat. These are substances that we all need to survive. There are six different kind of nutrients . Food provides certain chemical substances needed in order for a person to maintain good health. There are six different nutrients which are water, carbohydrates, fats, and protein.The first nutrient I am going to discuss is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for all living things. There are two different kinds of carbohydrates simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include sugars and have a simple molecular structure. Complex carbohydrates contain all the starches and have a more complex molecular structure. My average amount of carbohydrates was 173.24 grams. My daily requirements were 288 grams. I think I had a good amount of carbohydrates.The next nutrient is Vitamin A. Vitamin A is an vitamin found in orange, yellow, red, and dark green vegetables. Vitamin A maintains healthy eyes, and skin. The signs of deficiency is night blindness, eye infections, rough skin, and respiratory infections. My average of vitamin A is 539.28 RE. My daily requirements of this nutrient is 1000 RE. I found out that my vitamin a is high but i haven't felt any sings of toxicity in my body. The sings of toxicity of this vitamin would be nausea, vomiting, dry skin rashes, hair loss, and headache.Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, cantaloupe, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, peppers, and dark green vegetables. Vitamin C promotes healthy gums, and teeth. It also helps heal wounds and maintains connective tissue. My average for Vitamin C over the seven days was 55.8 grams. My daily requirements for Vitamin C was 60 grams. I found that Vitamin C was high in my body. The next nutrient is Vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in whole grains, vegetable oils, nuts, and dark green leafy vegetables. This protects red blood cells and stabilizes cell membranes. In my seven day average I had 2.24 mg and in...
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