A Recipe for Making a Pecan Pie Essay

World Lit. 10 HonorsApril 21, 2008Pecan Pie1 Deep Pie Shell3 Large eggs1 Cup Brown Sugar cup Dark Karo Corn Syrup cup light Karo Corn Syrup stick of melted butter2 to 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract1 cup of pecans 3 tablespoons VSOP BrandyWhipped Cream (Optional)Begin making the pecan pie by pre-heating the oven to 375. Combine, beaten eggs corn syrup and brown sugar, gradually adding in butter, vanilla extract and VSOP Brandy, until the mixture is rid of all sugar lumps and then add in pecans (make sure to get full halves of pecans, the crushed ones look unappealing in the pie, so be sure to avoid them) and pour into pie crust to bake for 55 minutes. Make sure to check when the pie has been in the oven for 45 minutes or so to see how the pie is looking at 45 minutes it should appear boiled over and ready to make a big mess. Unless it is actually running over the pie crust it is fine and will deflate to normal size when taken out of the oven.Pies have been baked by my dad since the late eightiesearly nineties after my Dad decided to make one just for fun. Taking the recipe from a Karo Syrup bottle he began mixing the ingredients to what would be in twenty-so years an annual family tradition. When I was three or four years old, I made my first pie with my dad and we have done it every Christmas since. We make them and deliver them to family and friends and we used to deliver them to some of the elderly shut-ins in my church. The thing that is so rewarding after getting our hands sticky and gross and making a huge mess all over the kitchen is seeing our old neighbors smile- thankful that someone thought to bake them a pie on Christmas. Seeing a family whose mother lost the battle of cancer after...
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