A Quick and Fun Way to Make a Delicious Snack for Christmas Eve Essay

Whether there is snow on the ground or not, Christmas is rapidlyapproaching. Santa knows who has been naughty or nice, and hopefully youhave been the second of the two. For some extra reassurance of being onSanta's good side, here is how to make a delicious snack for his busyChristmas Eve night.To start, make sure all the ingredients needed are present. Thosewill include shortening, butter, sugar, brown sugar, an egg, vanilla, flour,salt, baking soda, and chocolate chips. Chopped nuts can be addedoptionally.Next, mix one-third cup of shortening, one-third cup butter, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup brown sugar, one egg, and one teaspoon ofvanilla thoroughly in a bowl. Do this with an electric mixer. For bettercookies, soften the shortening and butter just enough to make the doughsmooth and creamy. Do not melt them because that will make the dough toorunny. Warming them in the microwave for forty-five seconds on high shouldbe perfect.The next step is to add the dry ingredients. These are one and one-half cup of flour, one-half teaspoon salt, and one-half teaspoon of bakingsoda. Add the salt and the baking soda before adding the flour so it willmix more completely. All of this mixing should also be done with anelectric mixer.After combining all the ingredients and mixing them until they aresmooth and creamy, add the chocolate chips. It is up to the baker to decidewhat type of chocolate chips should be used. Most people prefer the milkchocolate ones. Add one six ounce bag to the dough. Stir them in by hand,and if wanted, add one-half cup of chopped nuts. The dough is now ready tobe baked.On an ungreased cookie sheet, drop a teaspoon full of dough intorows. Space them evenly apart so the cookies will not bake together. Nowbake the cookies at 375 degrees in the oven for eight to ten minutes. Thecookies should be golden brown. Store any extra dough that might be usedlater in the refrigerator.Now that you have made the cookies for...


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