A Study of the Six Essential Nutrients Essay

In order to function properly, a body needs six essential nutrients carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nutrients, vitamins, and waterThe VITAL NUTRIENTSSix kinds of nutrients can be found in foods carbohydrates, fats,proteins,mineral, vitamins, and water. These substances are essential to chemical reactions in the body when you eat foods from the five main food groups. Carbohydrates perhaps your favorite food is pasta, fresh-baked bread, or corn on the cob. If so, your favorite food contains carbohydrates. Starches are complex carbohydrates found in bread, cereal, potatoes, rice, corn, beans, and pasta.Sugars are simple carbohydrates found mainly in fruits such as plums, strawberries, and oranges, as well as syrups and jellies. Fats to many people, eating fat means getting fat. Yet fats are an essential nutrient. Fast provide energy for your body and are also used as building materials. Fats also are important in the synthesis of hormones, for protecting body organs against injury, and for insulating the body from cold. Sources of fat in the diet include meats, nuts, and dairy products, as well as cooking oils. Proteins your body has many uses for proteins. Enzymes, antibodies, many hormones, and chemicals that help the blood to clot are proteins. Proteins are part of muscles and many cell structures, including the cell membrane.Sources of proteins in the diet include meats, dried beans, whole grains eggs, and dairy products. Minerals and vitamins a mineral is an inorganic substance that serves as a building materials or takes part in chemical reactions in the body. Minerals make up about four percent of your total body weight. Most of the mineral content of your body is in your skeleton. Calcium and phosphorus form much of the structure of bone.Unlike minerals, a vitamin is an organic nutrient that is required in small amounts to maintain growth and metabolism. Vitamins do not provide energy or building materials for the body rather, they regulate processes in the body.The two main groups of vitamins are fat-soluble vitamins...
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