
Showing posts from January, 2017

An Analysis of Fruit Essay

A fruit is a fleshy seed that is often an associated component of certain plant and most are edible and sweet when they are in ripe states. Fruits play a critical role in providing vitamins and minerals hence considered a readily available source. Various fruits have a variety of tastes and other are sweet while others are sour in tastes. For instance fruits including mangoes, apples, guavas and watermelons taste sweet whereas fruits like raw mangoes, oranges and lemons are sour in taste. The varying tastes of various types of fruits basically depend on the compounds it contains. Fruits contain materials like proteins, cellulose, vitamins certain acids, sugar or fructose and starch and these compounds exist in varying proportions in different types of fruits. Fruits like oranges are both sweet and sour at same time and this is because the compounds listed above exist in almost equal proportions of both acids and fructose (Beidler, 1971).Raw fruits tend to have more acids and when it ri...

A History of Making Cooking a Formal Career Essay

HistoryWe can trace the history of making cooking a formal career in the 1800s. This is right in Boston University. This university had started teaching the way of preparing American foods. The institution also encouraged students to pass on their knowledge to others to make sure that it is sustained in all generations. It is then that it started developing and Fannie Merrit Farmer authored the first book the first book that is hitherto in use. The next step that made the art more popular is teaching through television broadcast. The next step in the history of culinary arts was taken through the television where in 1946 James Beard held regular cooking classes on the art of American cooking who is also known as the grandfather of the American cuisine (A Brief History of Culinary Arts, 2006). The career field and soon established. In 1976, an institute that only specialized in culinary arts was founded in New York. This was the Culinary Institute of America.SkillsSome of the skills tha...

An Analysis of the Consumption of Fruits Essay

CritiqueThe consumption of fruits is highly recommended based on the health benefits that accrue with such a lifestyle. This has led to questions on whether people consume enough fruits and vegetables. Personally, I feel that I consume enough fruits and vegetables. Coming from a religious background, I have learnt the worth of fruits and vegetables. This position is reinforced by my academic background in nursing.Juicing is significant in health terms. This is critical in terms of helping people to achieve healthy lifestyles. Thus, towards leading an energetic, optimal and radiant health is possible through juicing. Processing or cooking food contributes towards the destruction of micronutrients. Thus, the practice is highly recommended.It is very sad that only 5 of the American diet is made of fruits and vegetables (Ward-Smith, 2010). It is necessary to motivate people by sensitizing them on the value of consuming the products. Another option could involve making the products cheaper....

An Analysis of Alfalfa Sprouts Essay

Alfalfa sprouts are the youngshoots of the alfalfa plant eaten within fourto seven days of germination.They can be sprinkled on sandwiches, mixed with salads, added to fries or eaten as health food.Since germination of the seeds canbein controlled environments, commercially produced alfalfa has the tendency tocausefood - related diseases. They can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria unless handled with care.Contaminated seeds are the most likely source of the pathogens involved in the production of sprouts. The conditions of the seed in the field before harvesting can lead to contamination. This is because of the agricultural irrigation water, improperly composed manure, contaminated soil,dirtyharvesting equipment, or animal grazing in the field. The packaging and storageprocesscan alsointroducethe salmonella and E. coli bacterium that are acausefor sprout related diseases. Contaminated raw sprouts showevidenceof Salmonella Saintpaul, which is astrainof bacteria. Thewarmand hum...

A Discussion About Organic Farming in the Article "Organic Fuel for a Growing Disaster" Essay

In the article Organic fuel for a growing disaster, Chris Hook castigates proponents of organic farming in the face of an impending food crisis. In the entire article, Chris Hook gives a brief history of the origin of the entire organic fuss and then moves on to attack the entire idea. This article will review Hooks sentiments in light of existing knowledge and other important assessments.Chris Hook begins by recounting a piece of research, whose results he describes as amusingly unsurprising. The research, as Hook points out, was aimed at confirming the effect of the stereotypes that people had about organic foods and non-organic foods (Hook, Chris, 2011). The researchers labeled two similar foods differently. One was labeled as organic and the other as not. According to hook, the people were bound to approve of the food that was labeled as organic and prefer it to the other. What is fascinating is that both foods were actually organic.This begs the question that Chris Hook feverishly...

An Essay on the Different Websites Offering Nutrition Information Essay

Eating is both pleasure and necessity for a person, according to Voltaires words. Thus, as technology develops, food industry appeared to supply people with different the wide variety of food. Nowadays, food selection is so diverse, that a person can not decide what is well for him or her. People seek assistance, and as Internet is the most accessible they go online for advice. Naturally, there are many sites that offer nutrition information, so well choose two presentable ones and analyze the information they offer.The first web site is a member of Cond Net media group, which publishes websites, magazines, B2B publications, applications for mobile devices, etc (Self Nutrition Data). The second,, is a part of New York Times Company that offers expert content that helps users to find solutions to daily needs ( Nutrition). Both sites look reliable and offer multi-purpose nutrition information. People are interested in nutrition because...

A Review of O'Hagan's Article "Kids Battle the Lure of Junk Food" Essay

In her article Kids battle the lure of junk food OHagan explains how hard it is for the young people to resist the junk food owing to strong market forces. According to OHagan, despite the efforts the kids make, the thought of consuming junk food, brought by junk food firms marketing efforts, is tempting. She notes Treat yourself today," the sign in the cafeteria commands. Just say no, Nathan tries to tell himself. Let's call this the Temptation Complication (Lure of junk 10). Moreover, she explains that the government has invested in trying to reduce obesity among the young people. Actually, the idea is to enable the kids to have will power to resist the temptations, but so far, majority of them have faced hard times as they try to control their eating habits. In other words, the kids are in constant battle with the lure of the junk food. Subsequently, questions regarding how to maintain kids health arises. Similar, concerns are raised by other authors, and therefore, this pa...

A Summary of an Article on Sanitary Conditions at Food-Processing Plants in America Essay

The author engages readers with facts of how food-processing plants in America are very scandalous over abysmal sanitary conditions. The author asserts that for instance, most of these plants had records of prior violations of food safety and yet did not ensure that their facilities were clean and free from contamination. This illustrates how these plants concentrate on maximizing their profits at the expense of the health of consumers. This is the reason that triggered advocates of food safety to push for reforms in the food sector. The author also indicates that the most severe food related disorders were egg and peanut-borne outbreaks. He further stresses the severity of these disorders with the fact that most of them are not early detected hence become severe and more complicated in the future. This is because most victims of food disorders suffer a stomachache that they merely ignore. The author then illustrates the importance and eminence of this matter by indicating how advoca...

The Characteristics and Use of Carrageenans Essay

ABSTRACTIndustrially important sulphated galactans, known as carrageenans are extracted from a number of red seaweeds. Theses polysaccharides have a linear structure of alternating 3-linked--D-galactopyranose (G-units) and 4-linked--D-galactopyranose units (D-units). For food industrial application purposes, carrageenan is classified into three types as kappa (-), iota (-) and lambda (-) carrageenan according to the number (one-two and three) of sulfate groups per repeat unit of disaccharide, respectively. Under proper conditions, -carrageenan and -carrageenan in aqueous solution undergo a thermoreversible sol-gel transition, while no gelation takes place in -carrageenan having more electrolyte groups. In general terms, -carrageenan gels are hard, strong and brittle, whereas -carrageenan forms soft and weak gels. Carrageenans are used as thickeners, stabilizers and gelling agents. Therefore, they are widely used in food formulations, the dairy sector representing the largest part and, ...

An Analysis of the Advanced Micro Devices Company Essay

Table of ContentsTable of Contents 1Corporate Overview 2Company History 2Products 3Financial Information 4Market Conditions and Competition 5Strategies Goals 6Foreign Operations 6International Production Facilities 6Fujitsu Alliance 7Foreign Currency Translations 8Hedging 8Problematic Issues Their Solutions 9Lawsuits 9Taiwan Earthquake 9Outlook 10Appendix A Balance Sheets 11Appendix B Income Statements 12Appendix C Foreign Subsidiaries 13Corporate OverviewCompany HistoryAdvanced Micro Devices (AMD), founded May 1st, 1969 and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, is one of the largest manufacturers of integrated circuits in the world. Founded originally by Jerry Sanders and seven others in a single room in 1969 with only 100,000, AMD now employs approximately 13,000 people worldwide and has annual revenues in excess of 2.4 billion. In 1978, AMD opened up international assembly facilities in Manila, Philippines, and expanded the Penang, Malaysia factory that they originally opened...

An Analysis of the Ethical Concerns in the Fast Food Industry Essay

As stated in the provided reference, the fast food industry is spending more money than ever on marketing campaigns and making larger portions than ever before. It has been proven by nutritionists and doctors that eating too much is not healthy for the body. This is the very first ethical concern with the fast food industry. These companies are trying to profit off doing harm to individual bodies. The fact of the matter is that if the excess calories that are used in the production of fast foods continue, along with the use of Trans fats, then more and more of the population will run into health complications, eventually leading to death, which will, in effect, decrease the amount of customers these companies cater to. The reality is that about 280,000 Americans die every year due to being overweight (Carson-DeWitt Frey, 2004). This is an alarming statistic that needs to somehow be addressed.Another ethical issue is that these fast food companies are taking advantage of consumers that...

The Various Controversies Surrounding Coca-Cola India Regarding Pesticides Essay

Executive SummaryThe paper presents the case of Coca-Cola India, the company which was on the heels of promising future growth and was very well utilising its global brand name to gain market share in Indian emerging market. Its long term strategy was very much aligned with promising future growth of Indian economy and soft drink industry. But with the growth of economy and industry, the paper emphasizes certain other factors that need to be considered. Among these factors are political uncertainties, bureaucratic hurdles, various NGOs and effect on local stakeholders. One institutional void was the difference between European standards and Indian standards (finalized but yet to be implemented) which played an important role to restrict the growth of Coca-Cola in spite of its promising future projections. The paper discusses various controversies including pesticide issue that NGO raised in 2003 and with the immediate effect several states banned the sale of Coca-Cola due to strong hol...

A Research on Slow Food International and Alice Waters Essay

Alice Waters is the Vice President of Slow Food International it is an organization founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986. Slow Food International is an association that promotes food and wine culture, and also defends food and agricultural biodiversity worldwide. Slow Food Intl. has 83,000 members worldwide and offices in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the USA, France, Japan, and Great Britain. They are one of the largest and most influential agriculturally conscious groups in the world. Their mission includes defense of biodiversity, which helps protects countless traditional cheeses, grains, vegetables, fruits, and animal breeds. Taste education which teaches people to make a conscious effort to explore, question, and experiment with food, and linking producers and consumers Slow Food Intl. host and sponsors many world renowned festivals and markets. Slow Food Intl. also organizes two key adult education projects the Master of Food, a program of study in the wine and food area sep...

An In-depth Assessment of China's Market in Regards to Genetically Modified Food Essay

An Assessment of Chinas Market inRegards to Genetically Modified FoodThis paper will provide an overview of the potential market for genetically Modified Food (GMF) in China. The China Genetically Modified food market is rapidly becoming one of the largest in terms of production, consumption, export and import prospects.China has the largest population in the world. It is home to 1.3 billion people or 20 of the world's total population and is likely to exceed 1.4 billion by 2050 (Population Reference Bureau, 2002). China's gross domestic product (GDP) is growing about 8 times as fast as the population. With inflation currently under control (projected to be about 5 in 1997), real income per capita is increasing rapidly. In addition the official policy of the Chinese government has been to promote biotechnology as one of the national priorities in technology development since the1980s (SSTC, 1990 Huang, Rozelle, Pray and Wang, 2002). China is an important destination for US agri...

A Study of the Harmful Effects of Genetically Engineered Foods on Human Health Essay

Commonly eaten genetically engineered foods may have been harmful effects on a humans health. Genetic engineering is the procedure cutting and splicing DNA, to unnaturally alter the genes of a human. This technique is used by scientists to transfer desirable qualities from one organism to another. The method of genetically modifying food is new to the human food digestive tract, so without long-term testing no one knows if these foods are safe. Yet, the methods that we do use today are not a reliable source and have many factors, which can be improved. There have been many cases showing allergic reactions to genetically engineered foods. Some products have been tested positive, showing numerous allergic symptoms (New England Journal of Medicine). Genetically engineered crops contain genes which confer resistance to antibiotics these genes can be picked up by bacteria and infect us (Lancet, 354).Genetically engineered food is a new field of science that has not yet been researched signi...

An Analysis of My Food Journal Essay

Food Journal Analysis Fats, vitamins, and minerals also play a significant role in our dietary system. Human beings need a specific amount of fats in order for our body to function. When fats are digested, emulsified, and absorbed, they facilitate the intestinal absorption and transport of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamins are necessary for growth, vitality and the normal functioning of our bodies. We should have vitamins everyday in our diet and even should have vitamin supplements if necessary.(Donatelle, Rebecca J. (2005). Health, The Basics, 6th ed, San Francisco Pearson Education, Inc.)This week I have decided to give emphasis on these two essential nutrients. I will analyze my consumption of the fats and vitamins for the recorded day through the following questionnaire How many grams of fat can you consume in a day and not exceed 30 percent of your calories from fat? Use the CNPP recommendation for your daily calorie recommendation to calculate your answer. How d...

The Characteristics of Coffee and the History of Coffee Making Essay

When coffee was first introduced to Western Europe, about 1615, some people said it was intoxicating. Others thought it was poisonous. But gradually coffee was accepted. Coffee house became centers of social, literary, and political life. Today the coffee break is a regular morning ritual in homes and in offices in many parts of the world.The Different Kinds Of Coffee TreesThe coffee tree belongs to the family of Rubiaceae. There are several species of coffee, which are Coffea arabica, Coffea liberica, and Coffea camphora, or robusta, are the more important. Coffea arabica is indigenous to Kaffa and later India, Indonesia, the West Indies, and Central and South America. Coffea arabica, of which twelve species are known, has resemblance to a shrub and under normal conditions grow to a height of twenty feet. In plantations, it is kept lower to about ten to twelve feet to permit easier picking. It has a small, fragrant flower that blooms once or twice a year, so that ripe fruit, flowers a...

An Introduction to the Importance of Nutrition Essay

IntroductionNutrition plays a very important role in our lives, it could help to extend or decrease our life span as well as define our degree of livelihood as we progress into old age. With our potential to live longer than ever before comes the urgent need to monitor and adjust the amounts, the types of food and supplements that we ingest into our bodies. Proper nutrition in our early years will not only lead to a learned commitment but will also lead to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life. Realizing the importance of nutrition in the human body I will be discussing insights learned from recording my food and beverage intake and its relation to the Atkins weight loss program. I will make reference column number 2 in my Personal Food Guide below Recommended Nutrients by the USDA, the remaining columns reference my personal current food guide based on two days consumption. Personal Diet and Weight Loss Management Analysis USDA Food Guide Recommended Nutrients Record all foo...

The Origin and History of Hamburgers Essay

What I am going to talk about today is the history of the hamburger. Now the reason I chose this topic is because of a girl my brother use to like. She is a closed minded person that said that the only thing she would eat is American food. Things like hamburgers, hot dogs and Taco Bell. As my brother and I were talking about this we remembered that hamburgers are not American and that is how I choose my topic.Now, how many of you know where the hamburger came from? Well, the hamburger comes from the city of Hamburg, Germany. Now, how the hamburger came to be goes back to the Mongolian times when Genghis Khan ruled. Since Genghis Khan was a conqueror he and his army spent many days traveling without stopping. This meant that the army needed food that they could eat quickly. So what they did was that they got ground meat and placed it between the saddles of their horses while riding. When it was time to eat, the meat would be eaten raw, having been tenderized from the horse ride.When th...

An Analysis of Let's get Together Proposed Essay

pic ..Let's get togetherProposed ByIndu BhallaPrerna MehtaSahil JoonShanu KukretiYashna DieshAmrita Wig 1. Executive Summary.Huddle' plans to fulfil the need of a good Italian restaurant in the flagship location in GK-1, M-Block market and will ensure a successful presence in the food and beverage service industry. Our Huddle' will be the leading Italian restaurant in this area, with a rapidly developing consumer brand and growing customer base. The signature line of pizzas and pasta dishes will be getting people to talk about us. Huddle also serves distinct salads, desserts, and beverages.Huddle' will reinvent the pasta experience for individuals, families, and take out customers with discretionary income by selling high quality, innovative products at good looking prices, designing tasteful, convenient locations, and providing industry-benchmark customer service.GK-1 M-Block is a busy market and with this high concentratio...

A History and Analysis of the Company, International Business Machines Corporation Essay

I. Current Situation (1991-1993)1. History of IBMIBM is a multinational corporation that started its activities in 1911. But its origins can be traced back to 1890, during the height of the Industrial Revolution. It was first known as the Computing-Recording Company, then in 1924, it took the name of International Business Machines. Nowadays, this multinational company is known as the Big Blue .2. Mission statementIBM main activity is to find solutions to its wide range of clients using advanced information technology. Its clients are individual users, specialised businesses, and institutions such as government, science, defence, spatial and educational organisations.To meet and respond to its customers needs, IBM creates, develops and manufactures many of the worlds most advanced technologies, ranging from computer systems and software to networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. Indeed, IBM has various product lines and services a few of which are the Personal Comput...

A Recipe for Making a Pecan Pie Essay

World Lit. 10 HonorsApril 21, 2008Pecan Pie1 Deep Pie Shell3 Large eggs1 Cup Brown Sugar cup Dark Karo Corn Syrup cup light Karo Corn Syrup stick of melted butter2 to 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract1 cup of pecans 3 tablespoons VSOP BrandyWhipped Cream (Optional)Begin making the pecan pie by pre-heating the oven to 375. Combine, beaten eggs corn syrup and brown sugar, gradually adding in butter, vanilla extract and VSOP Brandy, until the mixture is rid of all sugar lumps and then add in pecans (make sure to get full halves of pecans, the crushed ones look unappealing in the pie, so be sure to avoid them) and pour into pie crust to bake for 55 minutes. Make sure to check when the pie has been in the oven for 45 minutes or so to see how the pie is looking at 45 minutes it should appear boiled over and ready to make a big mess. Unless it is actually running over the pie crust it is fine and will deflate to normal size when taken out of the oven.Pies have been baked by my dad since the l...

An Essay on Fishing and the English Diet in New England Essay

English people came to New England in the 17th century for a few reasons. Fishing was very much a part of the English economy and the English diet. They learned to make fishing their way to survive. A way to get rich in the colonies, they had to work for it, market it, and sell it. They didnt keep records of where they were catching fish because they didnt want everyone to know where the fish were. On Fridays, they ate fish instead of meat. Over time the pilgrims learned to acclimate, or adjust. They would use fish-flakes (wooden racks to smoke, salt, or dry the fish). In front of the state house there is a sacred cod, it represents that fisherman showed the way. And the Grasshopper on top of Thaniel Hall means prosperity. Proprietors were the upper class English people. They had easy access to the crown, and wanted to re establish the feudal system. The Calvert family established Maryland in the 1630s and William Penn was the proprietor of Pennsylvania. The lords were 10 of the popula...

A Research on the Apple Essay

The Apple is a fruit of the temperate zones and only reaches perfection in their cooler regions. It is a fruit of long descent and in the Swiss lake-dwellings small apples have been found, completely charred but still showing the seed-valves and the grain of the flesh. It exists in its wild state in most countries of Europe and also in the region of the Caucasus in Norway, it is found in the lowlands as far north as Drontheim. The Crab-tree or Wild Apple (Pyrus malus), is native to Britain and is the wild ancestor of all the cultivated varieties of apple trees. It was the stock on which were grafted choice varieties when brought from Europe, mostly from France. Apples of some sort were abundant before the Norman Conquest and were probably introduced into Britain by the Romans. Twenty-two varieties were mentioned by Pliny there are now about 2,000 kinds cultivated. In the Old Saxon manuscripts there are numerous mentions of apples and cider. Bartholomeus Anglicus, whose Encyclopedia was...

A Step-To Step Recipe of Nutmeg (Jaiphal) in Boiled Milk Essay

1.Grind nutmeg (jaiphal) with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark. 2.Make a paste by mixing honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever. 3.Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. 4.Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples. 5.Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications. 6.Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples . 7.Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, other skin infections. 8.Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spo...

A Comparison of the Genetically Modified Food Essay

Jennifer Sebik FYE - Homework 4 GM Food Tomatoes, soy beans and McDonald's French fries- what do all of these things have in common? They are all some of the most commonly genetically modified foods on the market today. With scientists in the race to invent newer and better everythings, genetically modified organisms, or "GMOs" have become a hot topic of research in just the past 10 years. By using the genetic information from one organism, or the "DNA" and splicing it with the DNA of another, scientists can make food crops grow bigger, stay fresh longer, or even create their own pesticides. In this case however, and often with any case involving genetic modification, the technology has exceeded the practicality of this innovation. Genetically modified foods have no place in everyday agriculture because of the threat they pose to humans, the environment, and the future of traditional agriculture. Plants have been genetically manipulated for thousands of years. E...

An Introduction to the Coffee Wars; Starbucks and Mcdonald's Essay

The Coffee Wars Starbucks (SBUX) vs. McDonald's (MCD)Posted Feb 12th 2008 215PM by Steven HalpernSteven Halpern RSS FeedFiled under Starbucks (SBUX), Newsletters, McDonald's (MCD), Stocks to BuyEmailMore"I am quite confident that business students in the future will be reading case studies on the battle between Starbucks (NASDAQ SBUX) and McDonald's (NYSE MCD)," says value investor Charles Mizrahi.In his Hidden Values Alert, the advisor explains, "This is a classic case of a castle with a wide moat coming under attack because the attacker believes it has caught the duke napping." Here, Mizrahi shares a fascinating over the "Coffee War.""As background, in 1982, Starbucks had five retail stores and was selling coffee to restaurants in Seattle, Washington. It was during that year that Howard Schultz signed on to manage retail sales and marketing. After traveling to Italy, he convinced the owners of Starbucks to open a coffee bar."It was ...

An Analysis of a Decent Sandwich Recipe Essay

When trying to make a decent sandwich you should have an idea on what you want, on what combinations go together well and what you are in the mood for. Well first of all you need to have out a clean cutting board, knife, and butter knife whatever kind of bread you would prefer, romaineiceberg lettuce, ham, honey roasted turkey, mustard, tomatoes, pepper jack cheese, pickles, salt, pepper, baby carrots, ranch, and mayonnaise. So now that you have all the necessities out to make a good sandwich we start. Now that you have all that you need you have to get out to get two pieces or your preferred bread and lay them out side by side. Open the jar of mayonnaise get your butter knife in hand and get a decent sized scoop to spread on one of the pieces if bread evenly. And do the same to the other piece of bread. Next you add the lettuce, so peal off two leafs of lettuce about the same size as the bread and place the lettuce on each slice of bread. Open your mustard bottle and squirt the desire...

A Plate of Chocolate Chip Cookies Essay

Whoever in here likes STAND UP! Well, I likethem too.The story of the Chocolate chip cookie is really an interesting one. Infact, did you know that the invention itself was really an accident? Nope, well,I didn't think so. Let me tell you a little about it.Have you ever wondered how the chocolate chip cookie came to be? Have you everwondered who brought this American tradition into our homes? Do you know howthey became so popular?Well, it all started one day with a young lady named Ruth Wakefield.One day she was making some cookies for her guests. They were called ButterDrop Do's. This cookie required semisweet chocolate pieces to be melted in thebatter. Well she was in a hurry, she had beds to make and drapes to clean so,instead of melting the chocolate pieces in the batter she just chopped them upin the batter, thinking they would melt during the cooking process. To hersurprise they stayed very much intact See what happens when you do not followthe directions?Well, never the ...

A Love for Yummy Sugar Plummy Candies Essay

From as far back as I can remember, I have loved to eat sweets. Going into the store and gazing at the long isle filled with candy is one of the most intense feelings in the world. As I look back and forth, up and down the shelf, I ponder what to grab. I can never make a decision on what kind I want- fruity, sour, granular powder, or chocolate. Regardless of what I choose, I love to consume many yummy Sugar Plummy candies.Biting into a Starburst is an exhilarating experience. The fruity flavor takes my taste buds to the limit. Eating a square, chewy Life Savor not only picks my spirits up when I am down, but playing with the circle in the middle with my tongue is fun too! When I have one in my mouth, it is as though I really taste the sweetness of a watermelon or even a cherry. Little round Skittles are also very flavorful. I enjoy them because I can chew many of them at the same time. In one package of Skittles I can chow on flavors like grape, lemon, green apple, and orange. Munchi...

The Many Historical Facts of the Coca-Cola Company Essay

HistoryIt is rare to find any staple of American life that has its roots in the preceding century. This is one facet of the Coca-Cola Company that makes it very interesting. From its very meager beginnings, to a multinational fortune five hundred company that has the distinction to serve over one billion people in the course of a day. Dr. John Stith Pemberton founded the Coca-Cola Company in 1886. The first batch was mixed in a three legged brass kettle in his back yard. He then distributed it at the local pharmacy. That first year sales of Coke averaged nine drinks a day, and grossed 50. Since it actually cost 70 to produce the entire supply of product for that year money was actually lost.Confectioner Joseph Biedenharm first bottled Coke in the summer of 1894. This complemented the fountain soda production of that year. This contributed to the spread of the popularity of the product that was consumed in every state and territory of the United States in 1895. Expansion was quick to fo...

A Study of the Amish Eating Practices, Food Preferences and Preparation Techniques Essay

Eating Practices, Food Preferences and Food Preparation TechniquesMost Amish do not have electricity in their homes. For cooking, many use either wood or kerosene oil stoves they cool their food in ice boxes, spring houses, or their basements. A minority have freezers.The Amish prepare most of their food from scratch, but some also use mixes and instant foods. They preserve all of their own fruits and vegetables and much of their meat by canning. Homemade bologna is popular and is usually made without the casing. Some Amish will occasionally purchase frozen foods as a change of taste or as a treat. Many rural families have their own milk cow and make cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Those near urban areas usually buy these items at the supermarket or cheese houses.Many farm families eat cornmeal mush - made from oven-roasted field corn - for breakfast. Eggs and cooked cereal are other typical breakfast foods. Fruits or juice may be included.The main meal of the day typica...

An Essay on Different Types of Eating Establishments Essay

There are many factors that may change your decision on choosing aplace to dine. Some people dine out almost every night, and some peoplemay dine out only once every month or so. People treat eating outdifferently than others. It all depends on the type of the mood, or thetime the individual may have. There are many types of eatingestablishments that cater to the different types of occasions, from themore elite, to the brief luncheon, and to the fast outing.For some people eating out is to be done in haste. For that typeof people eating out is simple, done to avoid the time of preparation, andcleaning up a meal. Fast food is a quick, easy way to eat on the run, witha no frills atmosphere. These people are on the run with things thatthey must accomplish in a limited amount of time. Some fast foodrestaurants may include Burger King, McDonalds, Subway, or Kentucky FriedChicken. Fast food would be an easy solution to the problem of the timefactor. Fast food can easily be recognized when ...

A Study of the Tomato and Its Cultivation Essay

The tomato and its close relatives are believed to have originated in the mountainous regions of the Andes (Peru, Ecuador and Chile). Other distinct relatives are found among the flora of the Galapagos Islands. These relatives can be found in many environments, from high, moist elevations in the mountains to dry coastal regions and variations inbetween. Domestication of the tomato is believed to have occurred with the early civilizations of Mexico. The name tomato may have been derived from the Aztec word tomatl (which really means tomatillo). European explorers brought the tomato from the Americas and disseminated it throughout Europe and Asia sometime during the 16th century. The tomato is now cultivated world-wide in a variety of environments.The common tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., belongs to an extremely diverse and large family the Solanaceae. Often refered to as the Nightshade family, this family contains many of our commonly cultivated plants (potato, peppers, eggplant...

A Look at a Variety of Ways to Process a Vegetable Essay

There is a variety of different ways to process a vegetable, but is it the same vegetable when it comes out as it went in? Vegetables are sold canned, frozen and fresh just about everywhere. Posing the question, are they equally as nutritious? Nutrition is a topic concerning Americans today considering since 1991 when 4 out of 45 states had obesity rates of 15 or higher, now 37 or more out of 45 states have those same rates. It is a rising problem among Americans today.Nutrition is the science explaining the study of foods and their relationship to health. Since humans cant convert simple elements into energy ourselves we have to ingest complex food materials directly . One component of a well balanced diet must include Vitamins. Vitamins are chemical compounds that have no energy value, but instead act as catalysts inside the body. One variety of vitamins is the Vitamin A. This group includes retinol and carotene. Carotene is a yellow pigment found in vegetables such as carrots. A die...

How to Make Different Types of Eggs Essay

Hard Boiled eggsPlace dozen eggs in large pot and fill with enough water to cover eggs. Bring eggs to boil, remove from heat, cover, and let sit for 20 minutes. Gently and carefully remove eggs from hot water, and place in bowl. Run cold tap water over eggs to cool off. Non-boiled egg prepGently tap holes in both ends of egg and blow out insides of eggs into bowl. Rinse out eggs. Set aside to dry.Egg ColoringPaas Egg Coloring KitPlace one Green, Blue, and Yellow color tab in separate cups. Add 3 Tablespoons Vinegar. When tabs are dissolved, add 12 cup hot tap water. Place egg in color bath for 5 minutes.Dudley Egg Coloring KitPlace one Green, Blue, and Yellow color tab in separate cups. Add 3 Tablespoons Vinegar. When tabs are dissolved, add 12 cup room temperature water. Place eggs in color bath for 5 minutes.Easter Unlimited Egg Coloring KitPlace one Green, Blue, and Yellow color tab in separate cups. Add 12 cup warm tap water. When tabs are dissolved at 1 Tablespoon Vinegar. Place e...

An Introduction to the Three Types of Sugar Essay

There are three principal kinds of and each are classified according to the number of sugar molecules they contain. Monosaccharides, such as ribose, glucose, and fructose, contain only one sugar molecule. Disaccharides consist of two sugar molecules linked covalently. Familiar examples are sucrose (table sugar), maltose (malt sugar), and lactose (milk sugar). Polysaccharides, such as cellulose and starch, contain many sugar molecules linked together.Monosaccharides are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They can be described by the chemical formula (CH2O)n, where n may be as small as 3 or as large as 8. They are characterized by hydroxyl groups and an aldehyde or ketone group. These functional groups make sugars highly soluble in aqueous solution. In solution the aldehyde or ketone group has a tendency to react with one of the hydroxyl groups, producing a ring structure. The alpha glucose, which is the base of many polymers, is an energy source in organisms.Alt...

An Introduction to E-Commerce Companies and Stock Valuations Essay

eCommerce Companies and Stock Valuations1. IntroductionA hot topic in todays business culture is eCommerce. Experts argue about whether eCommerce will change business, whether or not it is a fad, and what viable strategies there are in a business world that is changing at the speed of idea generation. One thing that nobody argues about is the fact that eCommerce oriented companies have stock prices and market capitalizations that are enormous. Based on losses rather than earnings, some of these stock prices are inexplicable.This paper is a thought experiment that attempts to gather and disseminate data regarding these stock prices. Additionally, the paper will attempt to propose solutions and reasons for the current market trends relative to eCommerce companies.2. Discussion of the eCommerce business modelsWhen discussing eCommerce, it is good to have a frame of reference. As a result, it is interesting to review the common models associated with the field of study. Generally, there ar...

The Benefits and Positive Aspects of Cheese Essay

"Cheese sticks, cheese lasagna, cheesecake, cheese and broccoli,cheeseburger, cheese quiche, cheese omelet, goat cheese, cheddar cheese,Swiss cheese, blue cheese, parmesan cheese, ..." the list goes on and on.However, despite the abundance of cheese in the food we eat it often goesunnoticed. Cheese is an under rated food that deserves more recognitionthan it gets. Cheese is a food that has been around for years, it is veryabundant, and above all, cheese is a healthy food. It is one of the mostnutritious food products available to us. Cheese is now produced on a large scale in highly mechanizedfactories. The factories bought mass production to the cheese industry,this mass production made cheese an abundant food product that becameavailable in supermarkets all over the world. Before the mechanical agebegan cheese was mostly produced in the farmhouse. The farmer would milkhis cows and use some of the extra milk to make cheese. This way none ofthe valuable nutrient was wasted...

Homebrewing the Perfect Cappuccino Essay

o is to do it yourself. Do not rely on the abilities of a coffee shop or a restaurant chain to create your perfect drink. Shops like Bernie's and the Gourmet Bean will not have the time to make your cappuccino individually because their goal is to stick with one recipe and mass produce it. These chain shops may have a larger variety to offer, but if quality and perfection are what are what you crave, your best bet is to purchase your own cappuccino machine. To begin making cappuccino, you will need three basic components a cappuccino machine, espresso and milk. First, find the large metal scoop attached to your machine and remove it this is called the doser with a tablespoon of espresso and pack it down firmly. Next, replace your doser in the machine and push the start button. A well packed espresso wil take between 15 and 20 seconds to make and the results will be a brown liquid coffee. This coffee will have two layersa dark brown base and a lighter brown top called the crema. The...

A Study of the Agave Plant Essay

Although thought to be mostly a coarse drink made from the Mexicanor Blue Agave plant, tequila and other products of the agave plant have amajor economic impact on Mexico and are used in many applicationsthroughout the world. The agave plant has been used in Mexico for thousandsof years but the distillation process used to make tequila was brought tothe Aztecs by the Spaniards in the fifteenth century. The Agave plant is actually a very slow growing plant and it isreported to only flower once or twice every three or four years inexcellent conditions and as few as five times in a hundred years in poorconditions. Poor weather can result in no production for a period ofseveral years. However the plant itself is very resilient and can survivein very hostile low water conditions.The agave's flowers however may reach up to 20 ft. and grow veryrapidly. The plant is harvested by cutting of the top of the flower shootand collecting the sap. One plant may yield as much as 1000 liters of s...

The Easy and Quick Steps to Making a Sandwich Essay

Steps to Making a Sandwich Theses steps will teach you how to make the best sandwich you have ever eaten. First you will buy all the supplies needed to prepare the sandwich. Shortly after you make it home from buying your supplies you will set up the items needed for the sandwich making process. After that step in the process is completed you will prepare you plate so that you may kick back and enjoy. If you follow these instructions closely it is guaranteed you will be eating one of the worlds most mouth-watering sandwiches. However, wondering off during this process, answering the phone, or watching a little television may leave you a little short on the mayo.First, but not the most important, step in the process is the buying of supplies needed for this wonderful meal. While walking down the condiments isle notice there are generic brands for all items we are about to buy. Pick out your mayonnaise. I often go with blue plate with it being a childhood favorite of mine. Then on my mus...

An Excellent Wine to Accompany Food Essay

These choices of red wines represent the five most common varieties sold in restaurants today. These wines were chosen to give a broad overview of different grape varieties as well as different countries, from an introductory point of view. Each wine in it self has significant characteristics, such as, different varieties of fruit, tannins, colors, finishes, and bodies. Each of these different wines have been paired with a different food (served appetizer fashion) slightly complimenting its body of essence. Each food was chosen because of its unique flavor, whether it be strong or delicate, not to over power the wine, but to add something to it. Most wines do not stand-alone well, like a Cabernet for example. This French Bordeaux grape variety tends to be full bodied with a long finish, and thus is typically blended in a Bordeaux style. AOC doctrine dictates that a Cabernet-Sauvignon contain at least 75 Cabernet, the finishing couvie is up to the Estwte (or whom ever the harvester migh...

The Rising Popularity of Fast Food Chains Essay

In this era of globalization, the consumption and popularity of fast foods is reaching new heights across the globe. Today, many people, particularly the young people, prefer to eat fast foods while avoid freshly prepared healthy food. The food chains like Mc-donalds, KFC, Burger-King, etc are getting increasingly popular in each and every part of the world. There are several reasons behind this, such as, fast food is easy to prepare, relatively cheaper and due to increasing advertisement campaigns of fast food companies.The first and immediate reason behind the popularity of fast foods is the change in the life-styles of the people. In recent times, each and every member of the family goes out for work long hours so they hardly have any spare time left for cooking fresh and nutritious food. Even who stay at home, do not prefer to waste their to waste their time in kitchens cooking fresh vegetables due to laziness. While, fast foods are easy to prepare and also consumes less amount of ...

A History and Overview of Pizza Hut Essay

began operation as a single pizza shop run by two brothers, Dan and Frank Carney, in Wichita, Kansas on June 15, 1958. The chain grew to 43 restaurants in 1963 and 296 in 1968. went public in 1969 and was acquired by PepsiCo, Inc. in 1977. By 1981 had become the largest pizza restaurant chain in the world both in sales and number of restaurants. At that time there were 5,025 domestic units and annual sales of almost 2 billion. Before 1984 saw no real competition from Domino's in the overall pizza market. COMPETITION NEED FOR HOME DELIVERYThe challenge of Domino's changed in 1985 when they opened 954 new outlets bringing their total to 2,839 which was the largest expansion which had ever occurred in the food service business. Since Domino's was essentially a delivery-only chain the pressure was placed on to compete for the market. The expansion of Domino's had led to competition in the locations where had been the only local pizza shop. After the aggressive competition ...

A Quick and Fun Way to Make a Delicious Snack for Christmas Eve Essay

Whether there is snow on the ground or not, Christmas is rapidlyapproaching. Santa knows who has been naughty or nice, and hopefully youhave been the second of the two. For some extra reassurance of being onSanta's good side, here is how to make a delicious snack for his busyChristmas Eve night.To start, make sure all the ingredients needed are present. Thosewill include shortening, butter, sugar, brown sugar, an egg, vanilla, flour,salt, baking soda, and chocolate chips. Chopped nuts can be addedoptionally.Next, mix one-third cup of shortening, one-third cup butter, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup brown sugar, one egg, and one teaspoon ofvanilla thoroughly in a bowl. Do this with an electric mixer. For bettercookies, soften the shortening and butter just enough to make the doughsmooth and creamy. Do not melt them because that will make the dough toorunny. Warming them in the microwave for forty-five seconds on high shouldbe perfect.The next step is to add the dry ingredients. The...

An Easy Guide to Making Frosted Sugar Cookie Essay

I started out an amateur, frosting pumpkin with a blob of orange and a dot of brown. Fattening and delicious, the frosted sugar cookie has had impacts on most everyones life. Apparently there is a big difference between frosting and icing. I know that frosting is thick and holds shapes like rosettes and shells like those you see piped around the edges of a birthday cake. Icing, on the other hand, is a thinner, more liquid substance, and as it dries it thins out, becomes very smooth across the surface of your cookie, and hardens. Let me tell you something, icing tastes terrible and most store bought frostings do too! Throughout my 13 years as moms little helper Ive mastered the art of frosting sugar cookies, and realized their social impact! I always hear the same thing Maddie we are going to the party, did u frost the cookies? Believe it or not frosted cookies are conversations, compliments, smiles, and even a great first impression.First, you need a cookie, frosting, tooth picks and f...

An Overview of the Motorola Company Essay

Since it first entered the competitive electronic firm market, Motorola has continued to remain successfully as a world leader in mobile communication technology, ranking as the leading maker of cellular telephones, paging devices, automotive semi-conductors, and microchips that are used to operate devices other than computers. Although it has lost a few battles, Motorola has taken on the Japanese head to head, through these times of Japanese competition.In the 1980s Motorola controlled the emerging U.S, Market for cellular phones and pagers but they werent aggressively focused on competing with the Japanese, even though Japanese firms began to flood the U.S. market with low-priced, high-quality telephones and pagers, leaving Motorola pushed into the background. This is when Motorola heard the call to battle. Managers at first were not sure how they should respond, so they originally decided to abandon some business areas and even considered merging their own semiconductor operations w...

A History of the Hotdog Essay

Sausage is one of the oldest forms of processed food, having been mentioned in Homer's Odyssey as far back as the 9th Century B.C. Fraunken-au-main, Germany, is traditionally credited with orginating the frankfurter. However, this claim is disputed by those who believe that the popular sausage-known as a "dachshund" or "little-dog" sausage-was created in the late 1600's by Johann Georghehner, a butcher, living in Coburg, Germany. Reportedly, Georghehner later traveled to Frankfurt to promote his new product. In 1987, the city of Frankfurt celebrated the 500th birthday of the hot dog in that city. It's said that the frankfurter was developed there in 1484, five years before Christopher Columbus set sail for the new world. However, the people of Vienna, Austria, point to the term "wiener" to prove their claim as the birthplace of the hot dog. As it turns out, it is likely that the North American hot dog comes from a common European sausage brough...

Hiram Walker's Canadian "Club Whisky" Essay

It all started in the days of smuggling liquor. Canadian whisky had a new cleaner flavour and was no ordinary Whisky. The founder was no ordinary man either. Massachusetts born Hiram Walker became one of the world's first commuters travelling day by day from the United States to Canada. He was the first for many things such as putting whisky into glass bottles and getting his own town named after him. Walkerville is a small town in Ontario, where Hiram Walker opened his first flour mill and distillery in 1858. This did not all happen in a short period of time. Hiram Walker waited ten years after leaving his home farm in the late 1840's before hitting fortune. With 40,000 in his pocket he ignored the usual advice to head west for fortune and went south through Detroit to Canada, lucky him.Hiram Walker titled his Canadian born Whisky "Club Whisky" because of how popular it was in expensive hotels and classy gentlemen' clubs. But the United States insisted he call it...

A Quick Step to Making a Delicious Pizza Essay

Do you consider yourself to be a good cook? Or are you the type of person who finds cooking to be difficult? If not or even so, there is a quick and easy way to satisfy your own as well as your guests appetites. It involves making pizza from scratch- with the exception of using store bought or already prepared French bread. Many may be already wondering why choose fresh pizza over frozen or restaurant pizzas? First of all its cheaper, second its healthier, third you know whats on it, fourth its quicker compared to restaurants, but most importantly you can create them accordingly to your own preferences.There are only a few basic steps in making a pizza, but first of all it is important to know and discuss the advantages of doing it yourself.One important reason that was hinted at is that you save money. A large pizza that has twelve slices from pizza hut or dominos costs 10 to 12 dollars. Additional toppings other than cheese will cost you extra. If you go out and buy your own ingredi...