The Sedna Water Generation System Essay

The Sedna Water Generation system is a new market with limited competition so it is difficult to determine what the critical resources are to make this product a success. The team has very limited tangible resources that would be applicable to this technology with regard to manufacturing or material sourcing. However, the inventor appears to have strong financial backing from some potential investors and the management team has individual capital resources if the choice is made to allow for outside investment from the inventor. There is tremendous capabilities and competencies within the Sedna team. The inventor is a nationally recognized engineer, scientist and inventor (Might want to have John expand on this) and has a strong reputation for successful product launches within the UT community. He also has many strategic relationships that enhance the fast track potential of this product. The broader management team has various competencies that could be valuable as the product matures and branches out into markets beyond the beachhead. Mary has a military leadership foundation with project management skills and defense contracting background with a focus on future military operations. Justin Lam has a strong technical background in chemistry, a passion for finance, and speaks Chinese. Justin Felder has a legal background, experience working with contracts, and speak Japanese. John Ortiz is a prior military leader with extensive combat experience, project management skills, and currently working for a start-up. David Sheller has a background in aviation with experience in commercial operations, manufacturing, and project management. The team has many intangible resources through personal networks and current employers. The team has deep connections with major manufacturing companies and has multiple channels for getting to decision makers in the Department of Defense. 2. Without so much as a working prototype, our tangible resources are limited and...
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