A Literary Analysis of Velocity by Dean Koontz Essay

Velocity ExplanationIn Dean Koontz's book Velocity, Koontz places various philosophical statements throughout the story, to elucidate our main characters thoughts. The first quote comes from the mid-beginning of the book were Billy the main character, is describing his view on friendship. "Every expression of desired friendship has potential bite. Every smile reveals the teeth" (pg.105). Billy says this because his best friend Lanny, betrayed him to protect himself, thus even a smile has a dangerous and evil part, the teeth. This next quote comes midway through the book as Billy is discussing his wife who is in a long-term coma. "No one can tell you what your heart should feel" (pg. 232). Billy's lawyer Harry says this in response to Billy's response to Harry's statement that Billy should just let her starve to death peacefully and move on. Billy then said that he could never do that. The last quote comes mid-way through the end, and it is relating how Billy feels life has treated him thus far. "Life packed a clever one-two punch cruelty and absurdity" (pg. 309). He says this because his wife, how drew him out of his shell and brightened his life was taken from him a week after proposing to her, by a bad can of soup that was not supposed to be in the store. Thus, Koontz inserts these sentences to enhance and elucidate the situations and the thought process of the main character....


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