A Literary Analysis of the Pathological Jealousy of Iago in Othello by William Shakespeare Essay

THE PATHOLOGICAL JEALOUSLY OF IAGOIago's crimes define pathological jealousy and a sheer desire for revenge. His actsare pre-meditated and have reasons. In various soliloquies, he reveals grudges that, whilemostly false or overblown, present themselves as clear to Iago. Iago masters duplicity,even remarking himself "I am not what I am." (line 67) Many of his dark motives areprobably concealed from the audience. In his few soliloquies, he presents definitivemotives for his vengeful desires. His passions are so dark that they can only be understoodby himself.The first scene depicts Iago conversing with Roderigo. Iago's goals, grudges, andfurthermore his motives are revealed. His plan is calculated and pre-meditated withRoderigo being a mere source of cash. Iago explains his disbelief on not being selected forlieutenant. He boasts of his military victories "at Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other groundsChristened and heathen, must be beleed and calmed By debitor and creditor." (lines 30-32) Iago was denied a position of high valor and takes umbrage to the person responsible.That person is Othello. Othello chooses Michael Cassio, whom Iago denounces as "aFlorentine." (line 21) Iago has been beaten by a Florentine with (as Iago thinks) lessmilitary ability than him. This deep wound commands Iago to revenge.Iago cannot bear Othello's being a superior figure. Iago comments on Othello'sgoing to war as "Another of his fathom they have none To lead their business." (lines153-154) Iago insults Othello's skin color profusely behind his back. As the first part of hisplan, Iago seeks to arouse Brabantio to the fact that the Moor has "robbed" (line 88) himof his daughter. Iago refers to Othello as an "old black ram tupping your white ewe." Thistasteless reference pictures Othello's ugly black skin with Desdemona's beautiful whiteskin. Iago convinces Brabantio that he must rescue his daughter from "the devil," anotherracial reference to Othello's black skin. Iago never identifies Othello except with remarkssuch as "the Barbary horse" mounting Desdemona. Brabantio's cousins, Iago rages "willbe jennets," (line 14) black Spanish horses. The...


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