A Literary Analysis of the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber Essay

The Secret Life of Walter MittyJames Thurber was born December 8, 1894 in Columbus Ohio. He is known for his novels but it is the short story in which he excels. In the short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, it is possible to see that Thurbers life has a profound impact on the storys theme.The short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was written by James Thurber. After reading this short story, one can conclude that this short story had some connection with the life of James Thurber.The short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty begins with Walter Mitty landing a plane that was bound for imminent disaster. The words slow down Mr. Mitty youre driving to fast, woke him up from his daydream. These words were coming from his wife who was being dropped off at the hairdresser. Mr. Mitty dropped his wife at the hairdresser. She barks out orders for him to buy overshoes and instructs him to wear his gloves. Throughout the rest of this story, Mr. Mitty goes through other daydreams in which he is invincible and undefeatable. As Mr. Mitty arrives to pick up his wife, she comes in the car and is very inquisitive about what he has been doing. Mr. Mitty asked his wife, Does it ever occur to you that I am thinking? Mrs. Mitty followed this statement up by saying that he needed to see a doctor soon.When they reach the drugstore on the corner, Mrs. Mitty gets out and tells her away. With a faint fleeting smile praying about his lips, he daydreams again, this time he faces the firing squad erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty, the undefeated, inscrutable to the last. James Thurber was born December 8, 1894 in Columbus Ohio. His father was Charles Leander and his mother was Mary Agnes Thurber. Thurbers father had dreams of becoming an actor or a lawyer. He is said...
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