A Literary Analysis of War by Sebastian Junger Essay

The book War by Sebastian Junger depicts causalities of war in Afghanistan, personal and social relations affected soldiers. Lt. Col. Bill Ostlund has made the greatest impression in me because of his personal qualities and self-image. Using this character, Sebastian Junger portrays that the soldiers sent to Afghanistan did not necessarily choose to fight this war but they all were sent as their call of duty regardless of their race, ethnicity, color, gender or age. The reasons why some soldiers decided to enter the Armed Forces vary some do it to earn money, some see it as a career opportunity, some to follow the footsteps of their military parents and others do it because it has been there lifelong dream.Lt. Col. Bill Ostlund is a real hero committed to die to protect and maintain freedom in this nation. He is described as "colonel of Cherokee descent named Bill Ostlund" (Junger 135). Sebastian Junger describes that most soldiers never wanted to go to war unless it is the last resort. Those sent off to war are strangers to one another but are quickly taught to build trust and courage as if we were blood family. After finishing their mission, Bill Ostlund realized that nobody wanted to be there. However, Bill Ostlund had the courage to help comrades and that if soldiers charged down the street, they could trust whichever one was behind. To Bill Ostlund it did not matter how long soldiers were together, where they had came from, or what color, race, or ethnicity they were. What did matter the most was to return home alive and to enjoy freedom once again.I admire Bill Ostlund because he is a modern soldier and a person who possesses the features of an ideal man, and personifies high moral values and physical strength. The modern soldier is a person who is able to distinguish what is good and what is bad, and who follows his personal beliefs. He...
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