A Literary Analysis of Oedipus in Greek Mythology: The King of Riddles Essay

Oedipus King Of Riddles? In Greek mythology the oracles or gods are rarely wrong in theirpredictions of the future. Yet the characters still try to fight thepredictions. Do their personalities and traits decide their future, or doesfate take its course no matter what? Oedipus was a shrewd man furnishedwith wit and intellect, yet his lack of insight (the ability to see andunderstand clearly the inner nature of himself) and his arrogance led tohis demise, not fate. Oedipus's aret (an exceptional ability or gift) was unravellingriddles, and solving any puzzles with ease. He had a surplus of theaptitude to look outward, but unfortunately he had a deficiency of theability to look inward. This talent of looking outward made him renownedfor deciphering riddles and mysteries. Yet when Tiresias appears and speaksin riddles, Oedipus cannot solve them because of his lack of insight.Tiresias's riddles are clear in what they state, but Oedipus cannotunderstand them because he doesn't know himself well enough. Tiresiasconveys, All ignorant! And I refuse to link my utterance with a downfallsuch as yours.(Pg.42) At this point in the play, Oedipus still cannotperceive who the murderer of King Laius is, even though the riddle isobvious. Oliver 2 Oedipus has the ability to comprehend the riddles, buthe won't allow himself to accept the truth. When Oedipus saved Thebes fromThe Sphinx, he answered this difficult puzzle. The Sphinx demanded, Whatcreature is it that walks on four feet in the morning, on two at noon, andon three in the evening? With his eminent mastery of riddles and having anopen mind, Oedipus replied, It is Man. As a child he crawls on four. Whenhe grows up he walks upright on his two feet, and in old age he leans on astaff.1 This puzzle is far more complex than Tiresias's rudimentaryriddles, so Oedipus has the ability to solve the riddles but cannot lethimself do so, because of his pomposity. Oedipus is so arrogant...
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