A Literary Analysis of Snapping Beans by Lisa Parker Essay

"Snapping Beans" by Lisa Parker"In the poem "Snapping Beans" by Lisa Parker. The speakers feelings are of a very shy young lady who has just returned home from her first semester at college HYPERLINK httpwww.enotes.compoetryq-and-awhats-voice-snapping-beans-ascharacterization-294848 . As she sits down with her grandmother, they start engaging in the task of snapping beans together, when her grandmother asks her the question of how school is going. This question brings up a number of possible responses, and these various responses reveal the confusion and homesickness of the speaker. Note the example from the following quote from the poemI wanted to tell her how my stomach burnedacidic holes at the thought of speaking in class,speaking in an accent, speaking out of turn,how I was tearing, splitting myself apartwith the slow-simmering guilt of being happydespite it all.It clearly states that the speaker is from the south and feels incredibly out of place, and when she opens up her mouth she is reminded of her origins and how different she is from all of her fellow students. That alone is causing a tremendous amount of stress in terms of her identity, but even bigger stress and confusion is caused by the fact that in spite of her feelings of being different, she is actually enjoying college.The major confusion and the internal conflict of the speaker are explored through the variety of responses that run through the speaker's head before she answers her grandmother. in the end the grandmother says "It's funny how things blow loose like that." I think that she knows her granddaughter lied to her as easy as the wind that blew that leaf. so basically its just a bond between a granddaughter and grandmother who's bond is strong that know each other so well....


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