A Look at the Troubled Life and Achievements of Comedian Lenny Bruce Essay

Lenny BruceLeonard Alfred Schneider, or more commonly known as Lenny Bruce, was a comedian, afamily man, drug addict, and philosopher. A conventional Jewish child from Long Island, who joked about homosexuality, drugs, religion, and race. Arguably, he paved the way for the comicsof today, paying the price for being twenty years ahead of his time. Addicted to vulgarity anddrugs he became a regular in courtrooms across America. The humiliation he caused aPhiladelphia judge is thought to be another reason he spent so much time in court. His untimelydeath still stirs speculation of murder, rather than just another junkie that overdosed.Bruce was born on October 13, 1925 in Long Island, New York. His father worked as anorthopedic shoe salesman, who spoiled his only child, while his mother was his best friend. WhenBruce was eight-years-old, his parents divorced. In 1936, his father remarried, and along withBruce, they lived a conventional life. However, the jazz musicians and drug influences around himimpacted him and the way he talked. At age seventeen, Bruce joined the Navy. But after twoyears of fighting fascists, he became tired of it. He went to the medical officers proclaiming thathe was obsessed with homosexuality. Shortly after, he was dishonorably discharged (Hendra 115). Once he came home his father had offered him a job selling orthopedic shoes. However,Bruce had other plans he wanted to be a comedian. Bruce started as an impressionist, althoughhe was not very good. In 1948 the Arthur Godfreys Talent Scouts Show offered Bruce atelevision appearance and a chance perform his act. Few bookings were made after that broadcast.Bruces career had started slowly making appearances at strip clubs and performing his act.Harriet Lloyd, or Honey, was a stripper at one of the clubs where he performed. And, in 1951she became his wife (Kronke). Together, they moved to Los Angeles and did acts that hedirected. Bruce and his new wife soon expanded the family-having a girl whom they called Kitty.Even with his new family,...
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