Different Methods Used by Nonprofits to Gain Traction Essay

The assignment was to find an article that had something to do withnonprofits, from a reputable source, and tie it back to what we learned inclass. The article I chose in this case is one from the New York Times andit has to do with Microsoft providing free online storage services tononprofits and university researchers (Winfield, 2016). This will takeplace over the next three years and is part of the company's newphilanthropic interests. They now focus heavily on technology and how itcan be used as a tool for nonprofits to enable their organization further(Winfield, 2016). Some perks include Azure, which is website hosting program that alsoenables online applications in data centers. Along with that, nonprofitsare given access to Power BI, Dynamics, CRM Online, and other businessoriented programs (Winfield, 2016). All have been created in-house byMicrosoft as well so the package they're offering is strong, welldeveloped, and secure for nonprofits to trust. The program is valued at750 million a year and will roll out over the next three years to over70,000 nonprofits (Winfield, 2016). The next step, according to thearticle, is to provide free internet access to the developing world and soMicrosoft's shift in focusing on nonprofits makes sense. In class we learned about the different methods a nonprofit uses togain traction, including fund raises, gathering grants, revenue streams,etc. This new cloud storage service is huge in that it costs thesenonprofits 0 and will help boost their organizational structure andefficiency. Microsoft is also refusing to take a tax deduction for thedonated cloud services (Winfield, 2016). This is proof that symbioticrelationships do exist in the world. A nonprofit operates under a strongmoral code and Microsoft is helping to push that as they decide to helpother philanthropicnonprofit organizations. Technology companies usually get a lot of backlash for giving awayservices, but Microsoft is explicitly stating there's no thinly...
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