An Exploration of the Client Base for Tone Vendor and Deep Search Records Essay

Tone Vendor Vs. Deep Search RecordsMy topic for my ethnography paper will explore the client base for the two similar but different record stores based in St. Augustine and Riverside (located in Jacksonville, FL). After I explore the two daily routines of the stores I will compare the trends of the stores to some of the articles read in class. Some of the reasons for difference in clients would include demographic of the two areas, the variety of vinyl at the two locations, and the areas in which the two stores are located. To conduct my fieldwork I will go to each location and ask the record store workers several questions pertaining to their typical customers, what is their best-selling genre (oldies rock, new wave, old vinyl, new vinyl), and how busy each store stays throughout a typical weekend day. The same questions will be asked to whoever may be working the record store at the time at each location. As well as interacting with the workers I will ask any customers who may be in the shop at the time what their motives were for visiting this particular record store. To get a view from not only the workers themselves, but also their biggest target customers. I will explore the age differences that seem to be trending throughout the stores and come up with a percentage for that. For the St. Augustine location I will research how many college students come in as compared to the tourist and simply the locals not attending Flagler. For the Riverside location I plan to come up with a percentage on how many locals come in, how many UNFFSCJ students come in, and how many tourist come in to the shop. Considering St. Augustine is a big tourist town, my hypothesis is that their biggest customers will be with the Grandparents looking for their old Johnny Cash record that never made it out of the attic. Considering Riverside...
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