The Current Corporate and Global Strategies of General Motors Essay

This report seeks to identify General Motors corporate and global strategies for the long term success of its corporation. Recommendations are provided on improvements to be made on the current corporate and global strategies of General Motors. The purpose of this report is to to advocate recommendations and improvements to the global and corporate strategies of GM to ensure long term success of its entity. Through comprehensive research, global and corporate strategies will be conducted and the evaluation of improvements will be made to both for the success of General Motors. Through the use of research throughout the internet, global and corporate strategies were evaluated. Firstly, a SWOT analysis was carried out to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that general motors has (Refer to Appendix A.1 for diagram). The SWOT analysis helped analyze the businesses strategic management process for its direction towards success. Additionally, corporate strategies have been strengthened by taking five different courses of action towards its success and Global strategies have been strengthened by instituting a transnational strategy to grow their business in other markets including Brazil, Russia and Australia. Furthermore, both have been strengthened by creating 30 new models by the year 2020, 10 of which will be hybrid models which will all be accomplished with invests of over 14 billion dollars in property, plant and equipment by 2018.General Motors is doing very well, however there are still a few recommendations that can be instituted to profit the business. The corporation must develop new technologies to keep up with its competitors, develop more fuel efficient vehicle to meet the needs of every day customers and market their products more often through the use of social media. Besides these few recommendations General Motors is doing an excellent job on their growth with strategic plans all over the globe.Purpose Statement Businesses use corporate and global strategies to set long term direction for an entity. This report describes the plan General Motors...
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