A Literary Analysis of Separate Ways by Higuchi Ichiyo and Uncanny Stories From the Scholar's Studio by Song Ling Essay

Friendships BooksIn the short stories, "Separate Ways," by Higuchi Ichiyo, and "UncannyStories from the Scholar's Studio," by SongLing, the two pieces bothdemonstrate the limits, high and low, of friendship. Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Heng havea loving friendship, but not being able to trust is their downfall. Okyo andKichizo also have a very loving and caring friendship, but money and richesoverpowers their friendship in the end. Mrs. Chu, and Mrs. Heng, in "UncannyStories..." show a most admirable fulfilling friendship. Mrs. Chu was driveninto the arms of a friend, after feeling deprived of her husband who spent mosthis days with his concubine. Mrs. Chu took a liking to Mrs. Heng, a neighbor.Mrs. Heng has an experience similar to that of Mr. Chu with her husband'sconcubine, although the Heng's never showed any signs of quarrels or discordin their household. This struck Mrs. Chu with an interest, because she wanted toknow how her relationship with her husband could be brought back to a goodsituation. As the weeks and months passed by, the time the two women spenttogether increased. Mrs. Heng would give good advice as to how Mrs. Chu shouldapproach her situation, and what she should do. Mrs. Chu followed all theorders, and as time passed, everything seemed to be working out as planned. Mrs.Chu regained the love and affection that she so badly wanted, and she gave allthe thanks to Mrs. Heng. As the years passed, the two remained intimate friends.In contrast to the admirable friendship the two ladies portrayed, I also believetheir friendship has low limits. The whole time Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Heng wereintimate friends, Mrs. Heng had a secret hidden. "We to like each other asmuch as if we had one body...Now however we must part, so I may dare to tell youthe truth. You see, I am a fox spirit...." To me friendship is based on love,and most of all trust. Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Heng display the loving part of theirfriendship, but as...
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