My Renewed Understanding of the Key Elements of Building the Implementation Plan Essay

Building an implementation plan is something unique, in that it hasnumerous components that must be satisfied before an implementation plan isdeemed successful and can have an impact. There are three key elements thatmust be met above all 1. Choosing the appropriate strategy, 2. Having thecorrect organizational structure, and 3. garnering the necessary resources(Nancey Green, 2015). In more layman's terms, the first requirement statesthat the strategy chosen is one that will have a public impact. There is nouse in using a strategy that has no effect on the public. The second notionis that the organizational structure must be one that is appropriate and tothe situation and finally the third requirement is that resources needed tofulfill the change are required and must be accounted for early on. Thispaper will cover, in detail, my renewed understanding of the key elementsof building the implementation plan and will cover the necessaryinformation required for a careful review. In our first step, choosing the appropriate strategy, we must becareful to analyze systematically the local economy before making anydecision. For example, a stadium development would not make much sense ifthe city it's to be built in cannot maintain the stadium with enough fansor teams. One must also ensure that the development is in line with thecity mission and core values (Nancey Green, 2015). For example,Philadelphia is known for having a strong set of core values, which hasresulted in several rejected implementation plans. To get a betterunderstanding of how Philadelphia sets its' core values, we can take a lookat them and determine that safety and cleanliness are important, nationalresources and the empathetic use of them is important, and the idea toimplement changes that help nearly everyone in the city is important(Vision, Mission and Values, 2015). In theory, if a plan is to benominated, submitted, and non-compliant, it could very likely get rejected.The likelihood of this occurs more as the development plan strays furtherfrom...
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