A Movie Analysis of Donnie Brasco, Starring Al Pacino and Johnny Depp Essay

When I was first assigned to see "" I instantly had an imageof another ruff and intense mobster movie. It has been a while sinceHollywood has attempted to do a mob related movie until now. ""was released last Friday. This movie stars Al Pacino and Johnny Depp. Themovie is based on a true story about Joe Pistone and FBI agent who infiltratedthe New York mob ring. Johnny Depp takes the role of Pistone a.k.a. DonnieBrasco. Donnie meets Lefty, played by Pacino. Lefty is a New York City mobveteran, although he is very tired and wore out from the life he lives. He alsohas a serious gambling problem, owes serious money to his bosses, has a son thatis a junkie and has been passed up for promotion in the ring several times, ashe is ready to get out of the game. This adds a lot to the character of Lefty.Al Pacino did a wonderful job of presenting this character. Lefty runs intoDonnie and gets excited at the possibility of taking this young, vibrant kidunder hi s wings. Donnie is soon introduced to all the key players of the Mafiaas Lefty vouches his life on Donnie being a true mob player. Donnie picks up alot about the routines of this crime organization and is on his way to the top.As all of these Mafia ties are being made, Brasco is faced with thetroubling situation brewing with his family. He has to spend so much time withthe mob that his family is left behind. His wife Maggie, played by Anne Heche,is struggling each day trying to take care of the house, bills and the threedaughters while her husband is gone. He only gets to visit once every threemonths during the years he is involved with this sting. The frustrations ofthis creates serious hostility between the two.Brasco is soon faced with another situation when one of the ringleader's named Sunny decides to let Donnie run his mob ring...
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