A Literary Analysis of the Third Wave by Alvin Toffler Essay

In Alvin Toffler's book, "The Third Wave," he discusses our progression as a society. One can easily see the pattern to the mentioned waves. He describes wave one as the start of agriculture. It also marks the beginning of our culture. Wave two, marks the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, atomic destruction, and mainstream items. The change that takes place between these two waves is the start of what we call progress. It impacted our families, our planet, and set the pace for economics. With first "wave" of families, communities were formed. Every member of each community contributed to the necessities of the group. Family run farms produced what the town needed. Mass production was not a practice. Communities only produced what was necessary Families had shared responsibilities. Jobs were typically family trades passed down from father to son for many generations. Every person played a key role in the town's existence. In the second wave, we see the start of a more selfish minded society. Industrialism begins to break the family traditions and draw its member's away to cities run by factories. These establishments would supply what would become mainstream items. Labor was done in the name of progress, and colonies suffered an incremental change. Another ongoing change also takes place in our value of life. Our desire for existence in wave one was only of a minimal requirement. We only took what was needed from our planet. Land was of precious value, and treated as such. Nature was a gift that dispensed its gifts continually meeting our demands. With the start of progress, we soon found a tool for mass destruction. Atomic bombs were manifested as weapons of annihilation. It was a time of total negligence, and mass destruction. Requirements changed to a need for excessive power. The potential to obliterate our whole existence evolved from a culture that once loved the land. The culture that loved the land adjusted to a culture...
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