Character Analysis of Mattie Rigsbee in Walking Across Egypt by Clyde Edgerton Essay

Mattie Rigsbee is the main character inClyde Edgerton's southern style novel, Walking Across Egypt. Mattie isa seventy-eight year old widow with two middle-aged children. Living alonein a small house, she makes sure that everything is taken care of. Shecooks, cleans, mows the lawn, and takes up numerous responsibilities withthe church. She is a very caring person with many friends and a familythat loves her dearly. At the time this novel takes place, Mattie is ata turning point in her life. Confusion disturbed her, because the thingsthat people are telling her are not the words that she is ready or willingto hear. Although begins to display some signs of aging, and her familyis trying to convince her to slow down her lifestyle, Mattie's characterand mind setting prohibits her from becoming the stereotypical elder. Shemust make a decision in which direction to turn.As Mattie grows older, she notices thatshe is beginning to display some signs that people in her state of NorthCarolina associate with the elderly. These signs are influencing her decisionsabout what she thinks she can and cannot do. She displays typical, elderlyforgetfulness as she washes the toilet seat with mouthwash rather thanwith alcohol. And again displays it as she falls through the bottomlessrocking chair. Later she displays physical inability when she asks herson Robert about helping with some yard work, which she had always takencare of before."I'm too old to keep a dog," (20) she saysto the dogcatcher as he is leaving with a brown fice that showed up onher doorstep. "Besides, I'm slowing down," she says to her son during lunch.The stereotypes of the elderly are influencingMattie's life. She is telling herself not to do things because of her agewhether or not she is physically able to do them, simply because peopleassociate age with inability and dependence upon others. Her family andfriends are expecting and encouraging this dependence.Elaine and Robert, Mattie's two unmarriedchildren, along with other family and friends, are encouraging her to bewhat...
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