Analyzing The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood Essay

The novel Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood sets the novel during World War I, leading up to the late twentieth century. The novel is majorly about a three different stories that are tangled together in this complex work of fiction. It is typically a story of a women life. Iris Chase Griffen, who had a very tragic life, lost her sister, husband and daughter in different periods of flashings. Unfortunately her life was never bright looking in any period of her life. Iris Chase Griffens lifetime was generally difficult. She was more than eighty years old and was suffering from such heart problems. Therefore it was never possible for her to have a fixed and ordinary life. Her existence was usually spent with writing a story for her sister, Laura who at age twenty five when she drove her car off a bridge. From then on, Griffens only interest was to write a novel called the Blind Assassin. This book within a book was cleverly thought up and helps the story to untie perfectly. This book was majorly about her sister Laura. Later Lauras death, her only advice was to write and publish the book. Although, her only misfortune wasnt the loss of Laura. She had as well lost her husband weeks later Lauras death, from drowning. However, years after her husbands death, she than loses her only daughter, Aimee. Aimee breaks her neck and dies from a drug or alcohol abuse. From the three past tragic deaths made Iris look back at some situations before and after these tragic events. She was than obviously was not so well throughout her life. Although, it is was now looking back on her life and all the events that have led up in to her sisters death. In the present she was growing weaker and finding it hard to give up her independence. She struggles was perhaps struggling through her...
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