Analyzing Conflict in The Coffin Quilt by Ann Rinaldi Essay

In some cases, large families can be much more dramatic than smaller families. During the novel The Coffin Quilt by Ann Rinaldi, this is very true. There are many feuds and battles, not only between the Hatfields and the McCoys, but also between people within the family, with themselves, and with other outside sources. Fanny McCoy, the main character, deals with many conflicts during the timeline of the story. Her closest sister runs off and leaves her behind she deals with a scary figure of her imagination, the Yeller thing her older sister Alifair bullies her on a regular basis, and many more. The two conflicts that will be explored in this essay were Fannys troubling encounters with the Yeller thing, and Fannys relationship with her sister Roseanna.The Yeller thing is an almost indescribable being that haunted Fanny. It was used as a foreshadowing tool, meaning that whenever Fanny would see the Yeller thing, something terrible was going to happen later on. Fanny referred to the Yeller thing as the devil because the thought of Mama saying, And it is appointed unto men once to die, made her think the Devil was after her. Some of the terrible things that happened after she saw the Yeller thing included her sister running away, her brothers dying, and her sister dying. The Yeller thing worried Fanny and invaded her thoughts, until finally, after the main battle between the Hatfields and the McCoys, Fanny told herself she wouldnt see the Yeller thing ever again, and she didnt. It wasnt until later on that Fanny realized the Yeller thing was just a figment of her imagination. Roseanna (Ro) and Fanny were always the closest. They were best friends and almost inseparable. One day, Ro runs away with Johnse Hatfield and leaves Fanny to a household full of family members that see Fanny as the youngest child and nothing more. Fanny visits Ro from time to time, but it is...
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