Athlete Salaries and Professional Sports Over Payment Ethical Issues Essay

Professional Athletes, Are They Paid Too Much? One must wonder if the increased salaries in sports have caused players to forget the reasons why they play professional sports? What happened to playing the game because it was a childhood dream to play at Wrigley Field or Yankee Stadium? Or the dream of hitting the game winning jump shot as time expires to win the NBA Championship? The times have changed and so have the players and their attitudes. It has changed from being played on the field or court to being played in the owner's office or out on the golf course. In 2001, players are taking advantage of their opportunities to make more money than has ever been seen in professional sports. Players are signing multi-million dollar contracts that total, in some cases, over 200 million. Then, there are the players who have been in the circle of professionals for a year or two and feel the need to threaten owners and fans, sometime accusing owners of not showing enough respect and threatening to sit out an entire season if their contract is not restructured. Today's professional athletes make astronomical salaries and theyre only going one direction. Up. Professional athletes are making too much money in a society thats salaries and wages are traditionally based on the value of ones work. But, are the players really to blame? From the point of view of the fan, the state of professional sports can be sickening. From the point of view of a businessman, respect is the only word to use in conjunction with these contracts. Players have learned how to use their leverage over owners to exploit a business that has been exploiting players for decades. The Mickey Mantle's and the Willie Mays' of the game never came close to making the money players are making today. Even factoring in cost of living increases and adjustments for inflation, players' salaries are greatly disproportionate from then...


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