Character Analysis of Easy Rawlins in Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley Essay

Easy Rawlins the main character in novel Devil in a blue dress was born in November 3, 1920 in Louisiana and later relocated to Texas. When he was seven years old his mother died, and his father abandoned the family. This was because his father feared the racially violent charges that would lead him to death. Easy Rawlins believed that when a man steps out of his door house in the morning he is already in trouble. Easy also believes that the only solution is to be in the house.As per the novel, the devil in a blue dress, Ezekiel Rawlings known as Easy, is a moral character under various evidential situations in the novel. At the beginning, of the novel Easy portrays social factor where he states that he was used to being in white company since he had fought in World War II in Africa, Italy, and Germany. Easy further explained that he ate with them and slept with them. However, Easy was not so keen to help Mr. Aldright, but he only took the job because he had been fired from his job at Champion aircraft. Easy was so desperate as he was trying to pay a mortgage. Despite knowing that the job would be illegitimate, Joppy calms Easys suspiciousness by telling Easy that Mr. Albright was a shady businessperson not a gangster.As the novel explains Easys character, when he was part of the German army during the world II, Easy killed in combat, but his killing occurred as a defense mechanism. Easy was also a very observant man. When he visited Mr.Albrights office, he noticed that everything was white apart from his black handled riffle. Despite Easy being in the German army, he feels uneasy after Junior, and how the white men killed Howard, through, Easy became uncomfortable when Mouse brought up the subject of his stepfathers murder.A moral character of Easy portrays itself in most sections of the novel. In...
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