Beliefs and Goals of Freemasons, the Secret Society Essay

Freemasonry The plan to establish one government, one religion, and one currency for everyone is nothing new. It is a long established goal of these who practice Freemasonry. The initiates of this secret society have a goal termed The Great Work. The Great Work is a process of illuminating the human soul to a divine statue, God like. It should be stressed that the majority of the members in the Masons are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society. The higher initiates are known as the adept, or keeper of the secrets of all ages. Freemasonry is a secret society and its main goal is to control the world. Freemasonry is one of the worlds oldest and largest secret societies. The word Mason means builder and free came about because the men were not born slaves like the serfs (Mackey 98). The men was free to travel whenever and wherever to work. Freemasonry as America knows it today came about in the thirteen century. In its Operative form it lasted nearly 400 years and soon evolved into Speculative Masons after leaving hundreds of Gothic structures and Cathedrals in Western Europe(Dumneil 115). During the Medieval Period a group of stonemasons forms workmens guilds. Each guild formed lodges with regular officers and with three degrees of membership. The first group was apprentices or bearers of burden, the second were craftsmen or skilled workmen on the temples, and the third were masters or the superintendents of the structure being built. Each guild member had to develop certain proficiency in his work in order to advance to a higher status and during the advancement each member was also taught certain attributes of moral conduct. It was these guild lodges which actually gave birth to the modern Freemasonry. In the beginning of the seventeenth century guild membership began to decline, and the elite and prominent members of society...
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