Biography of My Mother Essay

Candi Elizbeth Workman is a wonderful woman She is the mom of two great children Kayla and Justin. Some Valuable information about her is when and where she was born, where she went to school, and differences between her growing up and now. On November 13,1970 Candi Elizebeth Norwood (Workman) was born to Sylivia Thibodeaux and Emmet Norwood. She was born in NewportBeach, California. Candi has two sisters Pamela and Maryland. When they were growing up they always went to Hiller Park to hang out on the weekends. For school Candi attened five different schools. In Kindergadern she went to Mississippi City. For grades first and second she attended Anasten Aveune. Beauvoir Elementary is when she attened grades three through six. Seventh and eighth grade Candi went to Fernwood Jouinor High. Lastly she went to Biloxi High School for the rest of her high school carrer. Well, in the first grade my mom went to school and they were coloring and she wanted to color her dog purple and the assitant teacher would not let her so she decieded she wanted to quit school and never go back. Her mom came up there and talked to her for an hour conviceing her to go back to school. Some differences between her growing up and now have many reasons. When she was growing up no one had cellphones. As a child my mom did not have computers. Most of the kids back then had way more manners and respct. Those are some of the differences betweent then and now. The most important topics are when and where she was born, where she went to school, and some differences between life when she was growing up and now. Candi is the best mom in the world....
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