Character Analysis of Lennie Small in of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay

Lennie Small a very complex character. The description of this character is very precise, and so is his personality. Many of the other characters in the book react to Lennie in very different ways some liking and some disliking him. The location and the time period of the novel both play important roles in the characterization of Lennie Small in the book Of Mice and Men.The location and the time period of the novel both play key roles in the development of Lennie Smalls character. The novel takes place some time during the Great Depression. During this time, there was very little money available in the United States of America. This made education very low. People were not as smart as they are today. Lennie was one of those uneducated people. Another thing that contributed to Lennies personality and other characteristics was the location of the story. It took place in the south. There were no large cities only small towns and lone ranches. The slang and vocabulary of the people in the south at this time were extremely hard to understand. Lennies mental condition made his vocabulary limited and hard to understand. But, it also effected his intelligence.Lennie Small has an extremely accurate character description. His intelligence for one is described thoroughly. Lennies intelligence is extremely low. The way that he acts in the story, almost suggests that he has a mental retardation. His thoughts are of those of a young childs. For example, Lennie tried to sneak a young puppy into his bunk while everyone was around. He walked in through the door with his arms hidden with the puppy and his denim shirt draped over his shoulders as if it was a cape (Steinbeck 47). A person with a normal amount of intelligence at his age would have known that his little plan would not have worked. Also, when Curley was attacking and beating up Lennie, all that he did was stand...
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