Benefits of Installing Condom Dispensers in Colleges Essay

College is a place where people go to complete higher education, to get their degree and start their lives. Ultimately, sometimes they start their families a little early ahead of schedule due to lack of protection. Camden County College is decisive on whether or not condom dispensers should be placed in the bathrooms of the campus. The objects to explore on this trying subject are the cost, the usage of condoms, and the overall reason for having a condom dispenser. Weighing all of the options has led to the conclusion that installing condom dispensers will be more beneficial to the college community.One may use the excuse as an opposition of condom dispensers are expensive, which is true. Condom dispensers can vary from fifty dollars to a thousand dollars each depending the level of quality of dispensers the college wants. The main problem with the cost is how they will be paid. If tuition for Camden County College for five classes is close to two thousand five hundred dollars, and lets say they use some of the tuition money to pay for part of the cost. The condoms themselves will pay for the rest of the cost even if they charged about a dollar for a condom and eight hundred condoms could fit inside of the dispenser, in less than two months they would be able to pay for themselves even without the aid of tuition. Teen pregnancy has been an issue since the beginning of time not only because of negligence, but also the embarrassment of going to the store and buying condoms. If getting condoms was bought just by going to the bathroom, abortion rate would decrease exponentially. Right now, there are fifty one thousand abortions taking place during every year. If prevention of pregnancy by use of condoms, abortion itself wouldnt be a big controversy anymore. Lets face the fact that the majority of the people that are in college today are extremely...
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