Character Analysis of Desdemona in Othello by William Shakespeare Essay

So many things were said about this lady in Shakespeares play Othello, but still a question tickles our consciousness who is Desdemona?Desdemona is a character in the play Othello written by William Shakespeare in the year 1601 1604. In the play, Desdemona was described as a Venetian woman, a daughter of a Venetian senator. She disappointed many including her father when she escaped with Othello, a black man who was senior Desdemona (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, n.d.). Later, her husband Othello joined the army and thus left her alone in their house. Due to this Desdemona missed her husband so much and expressed the sexual desire to her husband so strongly that she wanted to go with the army just to be with him. In his return, Othello suspected that Desdemona cheated on him. Here, we can see that she is being physically and verbally abused. She was even called a whore by her husband in public which is extremely humiliating. Desdemona died in the last scene of the play due to the abuses of her husband.At the beginning of the story, we can see that Desdemona is a lady with strong disposition and has a she gets what she wants personality. This is evident in her eloping activity with Othello despite the fact that her father disagreed strongly about Othello becoming her husband and the social pressures she had that time. I believe, she was a woman who knew what she wanted and was determined to get it. This is evident in her lines, I am hitherto your daughter but here's my husband, and so much duty as my mother show'd To you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor my lord (Clark Wright, 1979). Although Desdemona was this type of woman, she reflected a daughter with high respect of her father. Her line My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty...
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