Annotated Bibliographies on Graveyard Poets and the Topic of Death Essay

The Graveyard Poets and the Morbid Transcendence of DeathAnnotated Bibliography"An excerpt from Edward Young." Twayne Publishers, Inc, 1969. 111-148. Rpt. in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Ed. Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 40. Detroit Gale, 1998. Literature Resource Center. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.This piece serves as a summarization and analysis of The ComplaintNight Thoughts by Edward Young. Not only does it thoroughly explain the descriptions within each Night, but it explores the history, poetic form, and significance of Youngs lengthy poem."Blair, Robert." Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. Springfield, MA Merriam-Webster, 1995. Poetry Criticism Online. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.Though brief, this Merriam Webster entry compares Blairs The Grave with Youngs Night Thoughts, thus relating the poems to one another within the scope of graveyard poetry and expressing their differences as well.Clymer, Lorna. "Graved in Tropes The Figural Logic of Epitaphs and Elegies in Blair, Gray, Cowper, and Wordsworth." ELH 62.2 (Summer 1995) 347-386. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Michelle Lee. Vol. 80. Detroit Gale, 2008. Literature Resource Center. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.This essay features two of the four poems I have chosen to analyzeThe Grave by Robert Blair and Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Grayand other poems that influenced the Graveyard poets of the time. While the focus remains on Wordsworths Excursion, the text presents various points regarding the aforementioned poems and their poetic qualities.Ferguson, Frances. "Recent studies in the restoration and eighteenth century." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 54.3 (2014) 717. Literature Resource Center. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.This piece serves as a contextualization of different scholarly articles regarding literary culture during the Restoration and the 18th century. This features Parisots "Piety, Poetry, And The Funeral Sermon Reading Graveyard Poetry In The Eighteenth Century," which is another essay that will be used as a point of reference."Graveyard School." DISCovering Authors. Detroit Gale, 2003. Research in Context. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.This brief definition of the Graveyard School presents the reality of the graveyard poets...
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