Bigger, Faster, Stronger: A Documentary about Steroids Essay

Scene Nathan, Sam, Bobby and I having lunch discussing Bigger,Stronger, Faster'' the day after viewing the documentary for the firsttime. Bobby Hey! How is everyone doing? I'm glad you could make it to lunch. Christa Great! Thanks for having me I can't wait to hear yourinterpretations of the documentary because it really made me changemy opinion of steroids. Nathan I completely agree with Christa, There were so many interestingaspects of the movie that just blew my mind. Sam I just want to start of by saying that steroids are obviously notall that bad and by seeing all of the guys in the video, I think I wantto try them. They seem safe and they will help me in the gym anddefinitely help with the ladies. Arnold and Sylvester for example theyused steroids and because ridiculously famous! Steroids are Americanthey are the new way of fitness and sports. I loved what that guy withthe world's largest biceps said, steroids are as American as apple pie.'' I don't think you guys could talk me out of this one. Christa What?! Are you crazy? Did you not learn any thing from thedoctors and specialists in the video? Steroids are not safe. There isno safe drug. Granted, steroids have been used since the 1930s formedical uses like burns, recovering from surgeries, if you have aids,or cancer. If you are sick and use steroids they can help you. But ifyou are healthy, they can kill you. I never really had an opinion onsteroid use in America because I didn't really know much about it, butafter this documentary I can tell you right now, I will forever looserespect for thepeople out there who use them. Once I got home from thetheater, I wanted to know more about that Dr. Gary Wadler guy. He isthe media's go-to guy when itcomes to anabolic steroids and accordingto him, "unlike almost all other drugs,all steroid based hormones haveone unique characteristic --...
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