Analyzing Character Rivalry in Unwind by Neal Shusterman Essay

Roland glares at Connor and Connor glares back. Then he says what he always says at moments like this."Nice socks."Although Roland doesn't look down right away, it derails him just enough for him to back off. He doesn't check to see if his socks match until he thinks Connor isn't looking. And the moment he does, Connor snickers. Small victories are better than none.(p. 101)Encounters like this show the rivalry between Connor and Roland that was evident through the entire book. Unwind is centered around three main characters Lev, Risa, and Connor. It also includes very important appearances from supporting characters, including CyFi, Hayden, the Admiral, and most importantly, Roland. Unwind is unique because, in the point of view in which it is told, the reader is able to get a view of both the main and supporting characters that most point of views could not do. This gives the reader a more personal relationship with all the characters and, in the case of Roland, shows that even the enemies are human just like any of the other characters.Unwind is the story of three teenagers (Connor, Risa, and Lev) trying to escape a horrible process known as unwinding. Unwinding is a process in which an unwanted teenager between the ages of thirteen and eighteen can be signed over by their parents or guardians to literally be dismembered and the parts given to those who need them or simply want to improve their appearance. The three manage to escape their destiny and go on an adventure filled attempt to reach safety for good. Lev betrays the other two runaways, but after a change in heart, he ends up saving their lives from it all, but he is split from them. Connor and Risa manage to find an underground system for runaway unwinds. It is here that they first encounter Roland.Roland is an egotistical, controlling, and quite intimidating teenage boy who stirs up a lot of trouble...
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