Analyzing Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy Essay

Journey of LifeIthaca is a poem written by C.P. Cavafy, Cavafy was influential in the reinforcement and acknowledgement of Greek poetry both at home and overseas. Cavafy was an omniscient narrator. Cavafy wrote Ithaca in 1911. Egypt was a British protectorate until 1926. Cavafy didnt follow particular style therefore he received little recognition. Cavafys poem was inconsistent with conventions of the era because his subjects were unconventional for the time. Knowing the historical context of the poem I became in to understanding about Cavafy that he likes to enjoy his life, among all the problems that Cavafy faced, Cavafy didnt let his problems get in the way of achieving his goals. It tells me that Cavafy was a very strong person. The poems theme is journey of life, and the achievement of the goals people set in their lives, also what it takes to achieve those goals. The tone is developed throughout the poem. The tone of the poem grows to low and high anticipations, circumspection, exhilaration, luxuriation and appreciation. The conflict that developed with the poetic element is the supernatural creatures that you might face. In other words the problems that you face in life. The way to resolve those conflicts is to keep your thoughts high above everything.Ithaca existed for everyone, yet in different ways. In life we set goals and work hard and make efforts to reach our goals however we might face ups and downs, while we attempt to accomplish our aims. Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind. Be dynamic because to arrive to Ithaca is your goal. But do not hurry the voyage at all....
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